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The latest news of Iran's elections; End of advertising period

27 Jun 2024 - 11:49

The advertising opportunity for the candidates of the 14th term of the Iranian presidential election ended at eight o'clock this Thursday morning. This is despite the fact that in the latest events, Amir hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi withdrew from the competition last night, and the other three fundamentalist candidates have not yet reached the coalition.

Afghan Voice News Agency (AVA) - International Service: Seyyed Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, one of the six candidates for the 14th presidential election of Iran, withdrew from the competition on the last night of the campaign period.

On the evening of Wednesday June 26, he published a text on the X social network and announced that he was resigning in order to "maintain the unity of the forces of the revolution and in response to the written request of the Consensus Supreme Council of the Forces of the Revolution".

This candidate, close to the fundamentalists, asked the other three candidates of this movement, including Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Saeed Jalili and Alireza Zakani, to reach a "consensus".

However, on the fundamentalist front, Saeed Jalili, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and Alireza Zakani still insist on continuing their candidacy.

Iran's election headquarters also confirmed this Thursday morning by publishing notice number 7 that Mr. Seyed Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the candidate for the presidential election, has announced his withdrawal to the Ministry of Interior.

On the other hand, most of the political, cultural and social figures of the reform movement have declared their support for Masoud Mezijian in messages.

In this regard, Hassan Rouhani, the president of Iran in the 11th and 12th governments, yesterday in a video message about the 14th presidential election of this country, announced his support for Masoud Mezikian and asked the people to vote for him on Friday.

Before him, there were people like Mohammad Khatami, the head of the reform government, a number of his ministers and Hassan Rouhani's government, the reform front and a number of parties of this political current, including the party of brokers, moderation and development, the call of the Iranians and... one after the other. Masoud has been supported by doctors.

This is despite the fact that after the helicopter crash on the 30th of Thor this year and the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi, the head of the 13th government of Iran, and his companions, the 14th presidential elections of this country were held ahead of schedule on Friday, June 28, in various cities of Iran and many It will be held from foreign countries.

Story Code: 292572

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