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Haniyeh's reaction to his sister's testimony;

If the enemy thinks that targeting my family will change our position, he is delusional

27 Jun 2024 - 9:38

In response to the martyrdom of his sister, who was martyred yesterday as a result of the Zionist regime's brutal attacks on Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, said: "If the criminal enemy thinks that targeting my family will change the position of the resistance, he is delusional."

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The fighters of the Zionist regime bombarded the residential houses of al-Shati camp in the west of Gaza city on Tuesday morning, as a result of which 15 people, including the sister of Ismail Haniyeh, were martyred.

Including these martyrs, the number of Palestinian martyrs has reached 37,658 people and the number of wounded has reached 82,237 since the start of the Zionist regime's aggression on the Gaza strip from October 7th of last year.

In response to his sister's martyrdom, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political office of Hamas, emphasized: "Any citizen from Gaza or Palestine who is martyred is from my family."

The head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement further added: "Any agreement that does not include a ceasefire and the end of aggression will not be accepted. This position of ours will not change at any stage."

He pointed out that the international community should take immediate steps to stop the aggressions, to bring in aid and to provide the needs of the people of Gaza.

After about 9 months have passed since the Zionist regime invaded the Gaza Strip without any results and achievements, this regime is sinking more and more into its internal and external crises day by day.

During this period, the Zionist regime has not achieved anything other than crime, massacre, destruction, war crimes, violation of international laws, bombing of relief organizations and famine in this region.

Story Code: 292548

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