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The leader of the Sadr movement: the American ambassador should be expelled and the embassy of this country should be closed in Iraq

28 May 2024 - 15:12

Moqtada Sadr, the leader of the Sadr Movement, strongly criticized the Zionist regime's actions in the Gaza Strip and America's support for this regime, and demanded the expulsion of the American ambassador from Iraq and the closure of the country's embassy in Baghdad.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Seyed Moqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadr movement in Iraq, called for the expulsion of the American ambassador from Iraq in a long statement on his user account on the X social network (formerly Twitter) at noon today (Tuesday).

Moqtada Sadr first pointed to the actions of the Israeli regime in occupied Palestine and said that they kill anyone who is not a Zionist, and by doing this they also destroy the image of the Jews in the world.

Sadr added that the Zionists even want to introduce themselves as the representatives of the Jews of the world, which, of course, many of them dislike.

The leader of the Sadr movement wrote: "Yes, Bani Zion are brazen terrorists who are hostile to heaven and heavenly religions, and with the arrogance of everything, they allow the blood of followers of all religions."

Sadr further pointed to the recent crime of the Israeli regime in bombing the tents of Palestinian refugees and discrimination in the treatment of Palestinians and settlers and called the Israeli regime a "terrorist and terrorist" regime.

During the last two nights, Israeli warplanes have bombarded the tents of Palestinian refugees in the densely populated area of Rafah in the south of Gaza. As a result of this action, at least 45 Palestinian refugees were martyred and dozens of others were injured.

Sadr also called the Israeli regime an entity based on settlement construction and said that they have evicted the owners of the homeland Palestine and are restlessly expanding medical facilities in the East and West, and all these actions have been carried out with the utmost arrogance and cruelty and with the support of American arrogance.

In the end, he called for the closure of the US embassy in Iraq and said: "Therefore, I repeat my demand to expel that American (referring to the US ambassador) and close the [US] embassy through the usual diplomatic methods without bloodshed.

Story Code: 291146

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