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EU urges Israel to implement ICJ order and halt Rafah offensive

26 May 2024 - 10:41

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell has urged the Israeli regime to implement the world court’s orders over the situation in Gaza, including an order to immediately halt a military offensive in the southern city of Rafah.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: “ICJ orders are binding on the Parties and they have to be fully and effectively implemented”, Borrell said on X social media platform on Saturday, a day after the International Court of Justice, the ICJ, issued its ruling on a case brought by South Africa against the Israeli regime.
In his post on X, formerly Twitter, the top EU diplomat named the ICJ orders including the one calling for an immediate halt to the military offensive in Rafah, and another urging Israel to keep the city’s crossing open for humanitarian aid.
Israel launched its offensive in Rafah on May 7 in defiance of international calls not to proceed. The city sheltered some 1.4 million Palestinians before the regime started its military operation, of whom nearly 800,000 have now been displaced, according to the ICJ.
South Africa’s case calling for a halt to the Rafah offensive is part of a lawsuit the country filed against Israel at the UN's top court in late December over the regime’s genocide in Gaza.
The Hague-based court ordered the regime in January to stop its genocide in the Palestinian territory./IRNA

Story Code: 290965

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