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The increase in deaths in the Middle East due to air pollution; Afghanistan is in a critical situation!

25 May 2024 - 15:42

According to the World Heart Federation (WHF), Kuwait, Egypt and Afghanistan have the worst concentrations of particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5), which come from sources including vehicle smoke, factory smoke and burning. Wood and other toxic materials arise.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) International Service: According to the new information of the World Heart Federation (WHF), the highest level of dangerous air pollution particles in the world belongs to the countries of the Middle East, which causes the death of millions of heart patients worldwide every year.

In each of these three countries, the levels are more than 12 times higher than the maximum, which is 64.1 micrograms per cubic meter in Kuwait, 63.2 micrograms per cubic meter in Egypt, and 62.5 micrograms per cubic meter in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, air pollution occurs when a large amount of particles or harmful substances such as gases, particles and biomolecules enter the earth's atmosphere.

Air pollution is a mixture of suspended particles and gases whose concentration has reached a harmful range for humans, which can be both inside the building and outside the building.

Indoor air pollution is caused by the burning of solid fuel sources—such as firewood, crop waste, and dung—for cooking and heating. Burning such fuels, especially in poor households, can cause air pollution and, as a result, respiratory diseases that can cause premature death.

Indoor air pollution has been called "the world's greatest environmental health hazard."

Story Code: 290924

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