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Bilateral discussion of 50 businessmen and investors from Afghanistan with Iranian medical equipment manufacturers at the "Iran Health" exhibition

25 May 2024 - 14:36

On the sidelines of this year's international exhibition "Iran Health" in the field of medical equipment in Tehran, an important event was held, bilateral dialogue meetings with the presence of businessmen and investors from different countries, including Afghanistan, with large companies manufacturing medical equipment in the Islamic Republic. It was Iran. According to the CEO of Iran Medical Equipment Fund, as the trustee of the international section of this exhibition, this year about 50 businessmen and investors from Afghanistan participated in these bilateral talks.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Hossein Salmani, CEO of the Iran Medical Equipment Fund, as the head of the international section of the Iran Health International Exhibition, told the AVA reporter about this: "This year, we have different countries to participate in bilateral talks, we hosted about 50 businessmen and elders from Afghanistan and we invited them to come here and find their Iranian counterparts."

He pointed out that this fund and companies producing medical equipment in Iran are ready for any cooperation with Afghan companies, from the export of these equipment to their manufacturing technology.

Meanwhile, Mirahamduddin Ansari, the president of Miransari Afghanistan, who participated in the bilateral talks of the Iran Health International Exhibition from Kabul, in a conversation with Ava, thanked the organizers of this sector for their hospitality and inviting them to visit Tehran and said: From our point of view, the exhibition was wonderful. They really provided the best hospitality; from obtaining a visa, hotel, and domestic transportation, it was a very good achievement for us."

He went on to point out some existing challenges and problems, especially from a political point of view, for example, the sanctions that currently exist for Iran as well as Afghanistan, and said: "We leave political issues in their own place, but trade Alhamdulillah, it is going well and I am satisfied".
Ansari said about the desired priorities for working with Iranian companies in the field of medical equipment: "We want to supply and also produce in the field of health and medical equipment. Most of our focus is on the production of medical equipment inside Afghanistan, we want to have the production of Iran's disposable medical products in our country".

Earlier, Seyed Haider Mohammadi, the head of the Food and Drug Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a conversation with AVA reporter, informed about the country's readiness to export high-quality products as well as the country's technology in the fields of medical equipment and medicine to Afghanistan and asked Afghan businessmen. They wanted to see closely the latest achievements of Iran in these fields at the "Iran Health" exhibition in Tehran.

"Iran Health" international exhibition with the supply of more than 600 products in the fields of medical, dental, pharmaceutical and laboratory equipment, started on Saturday, May 18 in Tehran with the presence of 700 companies and for 4 days, introducing the latest The achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this field. This year's exhibition was organized by Tehran campus science and technology park.

Story Code: 290911

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