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The number of martyrs in Gaza exceeded 35 thousand 700 people

23 May 2024 - 10:12

According to the announcement of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of martyrs of the attacks of the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip has reached 35 thousand 709 people.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip has issued a statement announcing the latest statistics of martyrs and wounded in the attacks of the Zionist army on the Gaza Strip since October 7 of last year.
The Ministry of Health of Palestine in the Gaza Strip stated that the crimes of the Zionist regime army in the Gaza Strip since October 7 of last year have resulted in the martyrdom of 35 thousand 709 residents of this strip.
Also, according to the statement issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army's attacks on this strip since October 7 of last year have resulted in the injury of 79,990 people.
In addition, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip emphasized that the Israeli army has committed 6 murders and crimes against the residents of the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours.
According to this Palestinian medical organization, 62 martyrs and 138 injured have been transferred to Gaza Strip hospitals following the crimes of the Zionist regime army in the past 24 hours.
According to Mehr, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip emphasized that there are still a number of bodies of the victims of the Zionist regime's attacks on the Gaza Strip under the rubble or left in the streets, and the emergency forces and the passive defense forces of the Gaza Strip are not able to access them. 

Story Code: 290810

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