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The 226th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

Continuation of intense clashes in Rafah/ Attack of the Islamic resistance of Iraq to occupied Ilat

19 May 2024 - 12:20

The continuation of fierce clashes between the Palestinian fighters and the Israeli occupation forces and the attack of the Iraqi Islamic resistance on the occupied Ilat are among the most important developments of the 226th day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: 266 days have passed since the bloody war in Gaza, the Zionist regime's attacks on Gaza continue, and 20 people were martyred and dozens more injured and missing in the attack on the Nusirat camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.
Local Palestinian sources reported heavy clashes between Palestinian fighters and Israeli occupying forces in the city of Rafah, located in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
The Ministry of Public Health of Gaza announced yesterday, Friday, that the number of martyrs in Gaza has reached 35 thousand 386 people and the number of injured people has reached 79 thousand 366 since October 7th.
This ministry announced that the Zionist regime committed 9 killings in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours, as a result of which 83 people were martyred and 105 others were injured.

Follow the most important developments of the two hundred and twenty-sixth day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation below:
2 more Zionist soldiers were killed
The Israeli army informed the families of two of its soldiers that they were killed yesterday in the south of the Gaza Strip, and in addition to the two dead, three others, including an officer, were injured.
The Zionists acknowledge the weakness of this regime against resistance
Avi Dikhter, the Minister of Agriculture of the Israeli regime, said that "without control over Gaza, we cannot achieve our goals; Because this allows us to enter negotiations from a position of strength."
These statements of the Zionist minister confirm the analysis of observers and analysts who say that the Israeli regime, after nearly eight months of war against the Gaza Strip, has not been able to eliminate Hamas or weaken its power, nor has it been able to release the Zionist prisoners held by the resistance, and for this reason, Despite Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire, it launched a ground attack on Rafah, and this is despite internal and external as well as international opposition.
Hezbollah artillery attacks on the positions of the Zionist army
Lebanon's Hezbollah announced that it targeted the positions of the Israeli regime army in the "Al-Rahab" military base in the Upper Galilee with artillery.
Bombing around the "Kamal Adwan" hospital in northern Gaza
News sources reported the air attack of the Zionist regime near the Kamal Adwan hospital located in the north of the Gaza Strip.
According to the published videos, thick smoke can be seen in the sky after this attack.
Continuation of conflict in Rafah
Local Palestinian sources reported heavy clashes between Palestinian fighters and Israeli occupying forces in the city of Rafah, located in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
Occupied Eilat was once again the target of Iraqi resistance
The Islamic Resistance of Iraq announced a new drone attack on a vital target in Umm al-Rasrash (occupied Eilat) located in the south of occupied Palestine.
The Islamic Resistance of Iraq issued a statement and released a video and took responsibility for the drone attack on the occupied Ilat this morning and considered it as a response to the Zionists' crime against children, women and the elderly.
In this statement, it is emphasized on the continuation of these attacks to crush the positions of the enemies.
Continued attacks by the Zionist regime on different areas of Gaza
In the bombardment of the Zionist regime on a residential house in the north of the Nusirat camp in the center of the Gaza Strip, 20 people were martyred and dozens of others were injured and missing.
News sources also reported the martyrdom of 6 people in the bombardment of a house near the Al-Salam Mosque in Al-Darj neighborhood in the east of Gaza City.
According to this report, three people were martyred and several others were injured in the Zionist regime's bombing of a school in al-Darj neighborhood in the east of Gaza City.
The media also reported extensive artillery attacks on several areas in Jabalia and Beit Lahia and around Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip.
Al Jazeera reported that the Israeli artillery shelled several areas in the east and the center of Rafah city in the south of the Gaza Strip.
Hebrew media: The war with Hezbollah exposed Israel's weaknesses
A Hebrew-language newspaper admitted in an analytical article that Hezbollah's initial attacks were aimed at identifying Israel's weaknesses, and now this movement is taking full advantage of these weaknesses.

Story Code: 290600

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