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The significant increase in trade relations between Afghanistan and Iran / In non-economic areas, let's not create obstacles for the economic area

16 May 2024 - 13:59

Mahmood Siadat, head of the Iran-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce, in a conversation with AVA's reporter in Mashhad, stated that we are witnessing an increase in the economic trend between Iran and Afghanistan, and said: In the past years, due to the political developments in Afghanistan and also the Corona virus, we have seen stagnation and There was a decrease in trade relations between the two countries, but in the current situation, we have witnessed a 48% growth of Afghanistan's exports to Iran and a total of 13% growth of Iran's exports to Afghanistan compared to last year.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mashhad: Mahmood Siadat, head of the Iran-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce, stated that it is still the beginning of the road for trade relations between Afghanistan and Iran. Development in agriculture, mining, industry and the type of positive policies that the caretaker government has, I believe that this process will develop further.
Referring to the visit of the Minister of Trade of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to Chabahar and Melk, Mahmood Siadat said that there is a growth capacity of 10 billion dollars, and said: Currently, something less than 2 billion dollars of capacity has been created, and in line with economic relations, there is definitely 10 billion Dollars can be done, provided that we do not create obstacles for the economic sphere in non-economic areas.
The head of the Iran-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce called the development of transit through Iran one of the demands of the caretaker government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and traders and said: "In this regard, we hope to speed up the creation of infrastructure and speed up the border issues of Iran and Afghanistan.

Story Code: 290486

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