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The officials of the Ministry of Industry raised in a conversation with AVA;

Signing of 12 contracts between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan worth more than 200 million dollars

7 May 2024 - 10:11

Officials in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate announced the signing of 10 contracts and 2 memorandums of understanding between Afghan and Turkmen companies worth more than 200 million dollars in various sectors, especially construction, which is the best opportunity to expand trade and economic relations between Afghanistan. and Turkmenistan has been prepared.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdulsalam Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate, said in an interview with an AVA reporter this morning (Tuesday, May 7) that Nooruddin Azizi, the acting head of the ministry, visited Herat province with Noor Ahmad Islam Jar, the governor of Herat, Gholi Atakhaliyev, the head of the Union of Turkmen Industrialists and a number of Afghan and Turkmen businessmen and industrialists met and discussed.
According to him, Nooruddin Azizi said in this meeting that the best opportunity to expand trade and economic relations between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan has been provided.
The Acting Minister of Industry and Trade added that Afghanistan and Turkmenistan will make the most of the expansion of economic relations.
According to Javad's words, in the continuation of this meeting between Afghan and Turkmen companies, with the presence of the Acting Minister of Industry and Trade, the Governor of Herat, the Afghanistan Chamber of Industries and Mines, and the officials of Turkmenistan, more than 10 contracts and 2 memorandums of understanding were signed in the construction sectors, including Sikh Gul. 

He says the value of these contracts is more than 200 million dollars.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate says that these contracts and memorandums of understanding were made as a result of the visit of the Acting Minister of Industry and Trade Nooruddin Azizi to Turkmenistan and the meeting with the national leader of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Bardimohamedov.
According to Abdus Salam Javad, in this meeting, the head of the Union of Turkmen Industrialists, Nukar Gholi Anakliif, expressed his optimism about the conclusion of these contracts and said that in the near future he will sign contracts for the transfer of products of the manufacturing companies of the industrial town of Herat province to that country. 
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Trade had announced on Sunday of this week that Nukarkali Anaghli F, the head of the Union of Tradesmen and Industrialists of the Republic of Turkmenistan, entered Herat province at the head of a high-level business and economic delegation.
According to this ministry, the purpose of the trip of the high-level delegation of Turkmenistan is trade balance, all-round commercial and economic cooperation, examining the proposal of the Afghan side regarding the supply of construction materials, especially marble and Sikh Gul, the growth of trade and transit between the two countries, meeting with officials and activists. The private sector and also visiting the commercial and industrial areas of Afghanistan, especially Herat Province, are mentioned.
It is worth mentioning that the trip of the mentioned delegation is a follow-up to the visit of Nooruddin Azizi, Acting Minister of Industry and Trade, to Turkmenistan to open the first Afghan-Turkmen business communication conference and meet with Gurbanguly Berdi Mohammadov, the national leader of Turkmenistan in relation to the import of construction materials, especially Marble and sikh goul are made from Afghanistan.

Story Code: 289975

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