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An economic expert in an interview with AVA:

Chabahar port is the best option for trade between Afghanistan/Iran and Afghanistan should make clear plans to expand economic relations

6 May 2024 - 14:55

Seyed Mohammad Hossein Kazemi, university professor and economic expert, in an exclusive interview with AVA reporter, while demanding a reduction in the customs tariff of Afghanistan's agricultural products from Iran in Chabahar port and considering this port as the best option for transit and commercial exchanges for the country, says that The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Emirate must undertake transparent and facilitating programs to expand economic relations.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Last week, Nooruddin Azizi, Acting Minister of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate, visited Sistan and Baluchistan Province in the Islamic Republic of Iran with the aim of facilitating trade and transit.

At the same time, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Kazemi, a university professor and an expert on economic issues, at the same time as the economic relations between Afghanistan and Iran increased after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, in an exclusive interview with AVA reporter, he said that the expansion of economic relations between Afghanistan and the republic is due to several reasons. Islamic Iran is for the benefit of the people of Afghanistan.

He cited the consumerism of the country's economy, the proximity of Iran's borders to Afghanistan, and the presence of more than five million Afghan immigrants in that country as important reasons for the benefit of expanding relations between the two countries.

This economic expert stated that the people of Afghanistan are more familiar with the way of consuming Iranian products, and asked people to use Iranian products.

Referring to the importance and status of Iran's Chabahar port for the country, he added that Chabahar port is one of the very good options for transit and trade exchanges for Afghanistan.

According to Mr. Kazemi, the use of Chabahar port will save the country's traders from relying on Pakistan's ports, which from time to time creates problems for Afghan traders.

He considered Chabahar port as a good alternative for other transit and trade borders of Afghanistan with other countries and said that this port has good security.

According to him, Afghan businessmen can export their products to India, China and Turkey through Chabahar port. He said: "Traders bring Afghan products, whether they are agriculture or natural resources, such as Herat marble, or handicrafts such as carpets, to the markets of India, China and Turkey under the name of Afghans' own products."

This university professor asked the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Emirate to undertake transparent and facilitating programs to expand economic relations.

Referring to the fact that Iran and Afghanistan can provide customs facilities or reduce customs tariffs in the field of import and export, he added that the Islamic Republic of Iran, by reducing the high customs tariff on Afghanistan's agricultural products, can facilitate traffic on the Chabahar route by Afghan traders. increase

According to the words of Mr. Kazemi, with the construction of transportation routes inside the country by the Islamic Emirate, the trade between Afghanistan and Iran will increase significantly.

According to him, the Islamic Emirate should attract investment by providing a security platform, economic infrastructure, including building communication routes and informing foreign investors.

He also considered having support programs for foreign investors and providing timely services to them as other ways to encourage and attract foreign investors to invest in Afghanistan.

Seyed Mohammad Hossein Kazemi considers the strategic location of Afghanistan very important in terms of geopolitics and says that Iran, China, India and other countries are interested in using Afghanistan's soil as a transit highway between South Asia and Central Asia.

This economic expert mentions Afghanistan's abundant natural resources as one of the reasons for countries' interest in expanding relations with Kabul and adds that Afghanistan's membership in the International Road Organization can strengthen and interest foreign investors in investing in Afghanistan. 

On the other hand, Abdul Salam Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate, today (Monday, May 6), in a conversation with AVA reporter about the goals of the acting minister's visit to Iran, added that Nooruddin Azizi met with the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan and also the special representative of Iran in the affairs of Iran.

According to his words, in the joint meeting between Afghanistan and Iran, there was a comprehensive discussion and exchange of views for the development of trade between the two countries and the strengthening of transit through the Chabahar route.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Trade says that Nuruddin Azizi, in this meeting to strengthen transit, issues such as the necessary facilities to reduce prices, finalizing the price of land plots in Chabahar, determining a dedicated route for transit property from Chabahar, road and rail facilities on the way to Chabahar- Milk and the concessions of the difference in fuel and transit stations with the Iranian side.

According to him, in this meeting, the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan has issued the necessary guidance to the relevant officials to solve the problems raised against the development of trade and strengthening of transit from Chabahar route.

Javad adds that in the joint meeting between Afghanistan and Iran, the two sides agreed to establish a joint technical committee at the provincial level to achieve the development of trade between the two countries and to strengthen transit through the Chabahar route, and the issues will be pursued by the central committee.

Story Code: 289948

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