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Permission was issued for the transit train carrying Afghanistan's ore from Tehran railway station to the Turkish border

6 May 2024 - 14:31

The Railway Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced that after solving the problems, the transit train carrying Afghanistan's ore left for the border of Turkey from Tehran railway station last night.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The Railway Department of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced that after about two weeks, the Afghan transit train finally left Tehran railway station for the western borders of the country last night.

According to Iran's Railway Administration, Afghan transit cargo was allowed to pass without obtaining the necessary permits from the railway consortium of this country, and one of the reasons for this was the non-standard loading of the cargo.

The Iranian Railway Administration added: despite not obtaining the necessary permits and not coordinating with the railways, 10 wagons of Afghanistan's export cargo to Turkey, whose locomotive was separated by the so-called consortium and left at the Shamtigh border, on Thursday, by The railway of the Islamic Republic of Iran was transported to the Razi border in the west of the country, accompanied by the border guard.

It should be mentioned that about two weeks ago, this shipment of ore, whose weight is said to be 1100 tons, was exported from Herat to Turkey.

Story Code: 289941

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