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Iran's senior government and military officials in Bushehr;

A harsh and regretful answer awaits Iran's enemies in the Persian Gulf!

4 May 2024 - 12:32

The senior government and military officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bushehr province of this country, referring to the importance of the Persian Gulf as an important waterway in global developments, and also referring to the operation of the Revolutionary Guards of this country against the Zionists, and other successful operations in The Persian Gulf, especially the failure of America, stated: If the enemies in the Persian Gulf attack the interests and resources of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a harsh and regrettable response awaits them. Referring to the struggles of the people of Bushehr against colonialist aggression in the past 5 centuries, these officials emphasized: The Persian Gulf is not a place for enemies and aggressors.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Ahmad Mohammadizadeh, the governor of Bushehr, Iran, on the sidelines of the Persian Gulf National Day conference in this province, in an interview with foreign journalists, stating that the name of the Persian Gulf is a symbol of the unity, identity and solidarity of the Iranian nation and countries on the border of the Persian Gulf, he said: Persian Gulf is very important and enduring day in the proud history of Iran, which reminds of the bravery and sacrifice of the proud nation of Iran and the historical escape and defeat of the Portuguese invaders after 117 years of oppressive rule over the southern coasts of Iran. 
He added: Regarding the name of the Persian Gulf, as authentic historical documents show and great historians have also confirmed this, this region has been known as the Persian Gulf from the very beginning and from the past.
Governor Bushehr reminded: while today some western and regional countries, whose history of establishment does not even reach 60 years, are trying to use a fake name that lacks historical documentation for the Persian Gulf, the United Nations and other organizations And international organizations always admit that it does not know any other name than the Persian Gulf.
Referring to the fact that enemies and aggressors have tried to attack the region in the Persian Gulf, they have failed every time throughout history, Mohammadizadeh added: The capture of the American marines by the second naval region of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the Persian island is their humiliation in front of the audience. The world showed Iran's authority to the world.
He also stated that the operation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps against the Zionists showed the authority and power of the Islamic system and the leadership of the Islamic Revolution to the world. It turns out
The governor of Bushehr, referring to the fighting history of this province, said: Bushehr fought against the colonialists for five centuries, and the name of the fighters and mujahids of Bushehri's martyrdom resonates in the world.
An important waterway in global developments
Ayatollah Safai Bushehri, the representative of the jurist in Bushehr province and the Friday imam of Bushehr city, also in a conversation with foreign journalists, honoring the memory and names of the martyrs of the Persian Gulf of Iran, stated: The Persian Gulf in global geography was created from a metamorphosis in the geography of southern Iran. The Persian Gulf is named as the Persian Gulf in all written documents and ancient maps of the world, so this strategic waterway was born in Iran and has an Iranian identity and is named the Persian Gulf in the calculation system of political geography.
He said: The moves that were made to change the name of the Persian Gulf were a colonial move to create differences among the Persian Gulf countries by the colonialists, and everyone admits that this waterway is an adornment to the name of the Persian Gulf.
The representative of the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bushehr added: The Persian Gulf is an important waterway in various global developments, and looking at history, whenever foreigners were present in the Persian Gulf, this waterway suffered a security crisis, so the presence of foreigners is equal to destruction. The security factor of this region and when it was managed by the countries of the region, it saw peace and development progress and the people of the region had a significant peace.
He pointed out: In all four attacks of England, the people of Bushehr inflicted a historic defeat on the colonialist country with the orders of religious scholars.
Ayatollah Safai Bushehri emphasized: The pride of the people of Bushehr is that neither a bit of water nor a bit of Iran's soil was given to the enemy in all the various attacks, and the people of Bushehr, under the guidance of Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace), defend the revolution and Islam with all their strength. And if the enemies want to have the slightest attack, they will see a response 10 times that movement.
He said: This waterway is not a place for strangers and can play a very important role in the future world order, and if the countries of the region coordinate according to Islamic teachings and protect their interests, they will have an impact on the engineering of the new future world order.
He said: The independence of the Persian Gulf and its management by the border countries is one of the important factors of security stability in the region and the world. Undoubtedly, the view of the arrogant world is to dominate the centers of power, and the Persian Gulf is the most important and valuable geography of power, and the colonial world seeks to dominate it, but they should know that the arrogant world will not be able to dominate the region.
The Persian Gulf is not a place for enemies and aggressors!
In a conversation with foreign journalists, Sardar Haider Henriyan-Majard, commander of the second naval region of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, in a conversation with foreign journalists, commemorating the National Day of the Persian Gulf, called this day a reminder of the bravery of the coastal people and Bushehri warriors in driving out the colonialists and aggressors from the occupied territories on the Persian Gulf and said: The Persian Gulf has always seen great epics in different historical periods and Bushehr warriors played an important and effective role in protecting the Persian Gulf.

The continuation of the security of the Persian Gulf is in the important plans of the armed forces, including the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, he added: The IRGC Navy will deal decisively with any insecurity and aggression by monitoring the traffic and movements of the Persian Gulf around the clock.
This senior Iranian military commander pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran has the superior power in the Persian Gulf and said: The IRGC Navy has a brilliant track record in the field of security in the Persian Gulf. Now the enemy's floating movements in the Persian Gulf are being monitored with authority.
Stating that the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have high defensive, offensive and deterrence power, he said: Today, the power and authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran is evident to the whole world, and the Persian Gulf is no longer a place of enemies and aggressors, including arrogant and colonial countries. 
A hard and regretful answer awaits the enemies
On the other hand, Sardar Ali Razmjo, the commander of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) Corps of Bushehr province of Iran, and the commander who arrested the American forces in the Persian Gulf, in a conversation with foreign journalists, pointing out that the Persian Gulf has experienced various incidents in different historical periods. He has recorded himself and stated: Islamic fighters in Bushehr have created great epics in protecting the Persian Gulf and confronting enemies and aggressors.
He pointed out the position of the Persian Gulf in the economic, political and cultural fields and stated: In addition to its important and strategic position in the economic field, the Persian Gulf has an important and strategic international position.
The commander of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) Bushehr noted the role of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the protection and protection of the Persian Gulf: the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran played an effective role in the defense of the Persian Gulf during the 45 years of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in this important and vital region. have exhibited
He pointed to the confrontation of "Sardar Nader Mahdavi" on 16 March 1366 in direct confrontation with America in the Persian Gulf and stated: In this unequal battle, Iran recorded a great success in breaking the power of America.
Razmjo announced the capture of American Marines on 22nd of Jadi 1394 as one of the other successful operations of the IRGC Navy in the Persian Gulf and noted: such epics have happened many times in the Persian Gulf, including countermeasures and various surface and subsurface combat operations by fighters in Bushehr. done.
He announced the establishment of stable security in the Persian Gulf and stated: The security of the Persian Gulf is established and continues by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the countries of the region.
This senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards emphasized: If the enemies in the Persian Gulf attack the interests and resources of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a harsh and regretful response awaits them.
The message of authority, peace and friendship
Esmail Sajjadi Manesh, Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Bushehr province of Iran, also stated in a conversation with foreign journalists: Bushehr has a history of thousands of years, from the Elamian period more than 6000 years ago until now. Almost 50% of the Persian Gulf border is for Bushehr. We share borders with 5 Arab countries along the Persian Gulf.
He added that the message of the Persian Gulf National Day for the friends of Iran and the brave and brave people of this country is the message of authority and resistance, and for the Persian Gulf countries, it is peace and friendship, and Iran and the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf can together secure this crossroads and waterways. to better establish international importance.
This Bushehr local official emphasized: Our message to the arrogant and colonialist society is to guard and patrol the coasts of the Persian Gulf, as the history of Bushehr's resistance in the past 500 years has been associated with the expulsion of colonialists who wanted to encroach on Iran's territory and on it, especially the waters of the Persian Gulf. At the head of this resistance were Rais Ali Delwari, Ahmad Khan Tangestani and Nader Mahdavi, who destroyed the image of arrogance and colonialism in Bushehr.
Meanwhile, the national day of the Persian Gulf in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of this country unveiled its newest warship in front of foreign media cameras in Bushehr. This warship, named after "Shahid Hassan Baghi", was unveiled on the sidelines of a ceremony in the waters of the Persian Gulf, while the Bushehr nuclear power plant was visible behind it.

Story Code: 289823

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