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Islamic Emirate:

With political interaction and diplomatic relations with the world, a suitable solution can be found for all issues

2 May 2024 - 15:16

Following the recent statements of the Deputy Spokesman of the United States Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the interaction with the Islamic Emirate, the Deputy Spokesman of the caretaker government has said that they also want political relations and diplomatic interaction with the world, including the United States of America.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Vedant Patel, Deputy Spokesman of the US Department of State, said in a press conference that the US considers it necessary to interact with the caretaker government to protect its national interests and support the Afghan people.
Patel also emphasized that such an interaction provides an opportunity for direct dialogue regarding the Islamic Emirate's commitment to fighting terrorism and human rights.
Hamdullah Fitrat, deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, says that they believe that a suitable solution can be found for all issues through political relations and diplomatic interactions with the international community.
He said: "The United States wants to interact with Afghanistan, and the Islamic Emirate should also expand its diplomatic relations with other western countries, including the United States, just as it has positive relations with the countries of the region and the Islamic world."
Meanwhile, John Bess, the US Deputy Secretary of State, has traveled to Doha and Islamabad and is talking about Afghanistan.
On the other hand, the US Department of State, in its annual report, has recently emphasized that there is no decision in the US to recognize the Islamic Emirate.

Story Code: 289776

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