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Kazemi Qomi:

There are about 6 million Afghan immigrants in Iran/we hope to see Helmand sea water entering Iran in this water year

28 Feb 2024 - 16:23

Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the ambassador and special Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul, has said in his latest statement that providing the country's rights to the Helmand Sea is a rightful demand of Iran and he expects that in the current year, that is, by the month of Mizan next year, there will be a witness. The water of the Helmand Sea to Iran. He also added that currently around 6 million Afghan nationals live in Iran.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Hassan Kazemi Qomi, ambassador and special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul, about the latest talks between Iran and Afghanistan on the issue of water rights of this country from the Helmand Sea, referring to the 27th meeting of water commissioners between the two countries. He said that this summit was held within the framework of the 1351 treaty. According to him, although this meeting did not achieve the desired result that the Ministry of Energy of Iran was looking for, these meetings are steps in the direction of the implementation of this country's mandate.

In an interview with Iran's Student News Agency (ISNA), he added: The authorities of the Taliban (Islamic Emirate) have stated from the beginning that they are committed to the 1351 treaty. Last year, due to negligence, a large part of the floods flowed into one area, one of the reasons for which is due to the Kamal Khan Dam. According to the experts, the Kamal Khan dam/dam is a diversion dam that has a low capacity and is built in such a way that most of the water that comes from it is flood water and it does not have the necessary capacity for this volume of flood water and is released towards the salt marsh area. 

Kazemi Qomi also added: In the past year, the Taliban (Islamic Emirate) officials told us that we fixed the problems of the dam, firstly, they blocked the wall where the water comes from behind the dam and overflows, and secondly, they repaired the main doors of the dam. and the other was the leveling of the ground in front of the main doors.

He further stated that in the meeting of the commissioners of the two countries, it was arranged that the technical authorities of Iran verify the issues raised and help in the field of necessary reforms.

Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan has said regarding the provision of water rights for this country this year: "In the treaty of 1351, it did not say that if water comes, water rights will be given, but it is said that Iran's water rights should be given from the amount of water that is in the Kajaki Dam. It has not been said that Iran's water rights will be given if it rains.

Regarding the visit of the technical delegation of this country to the Dehrawid water measuring station, he added: For the first time, a few months ago, our trustees and experts went and visited the center of the measuring station in Afghanistan, and it was announced that the water level was not very significant, of course at that time. We were in the middle of summer, but now that we are at the end of winter, we request a visit and measurement, and fortunately, the Taliban authorities are not strict about measuring the water flow rate, and we can do this measurement. Of course, the reality is that due to the conditions and obstacles in the way, if the water is to be released gradually, not much water will come to Iran unless the water starts flowing.

The special representative of the president for Afghanistan affairs, referring to the acknowledgment of the officials of the Islamic Emirate in the field of supplying the water supply to Iran, has expressed hope that he will see the water of the Helmand Sea entering Iran in the current water year and by the month of Mizan next year.

This official of the Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing that receiving water rights is a demand for the rights of the people and the Islamic Republic, stated that the water issue is one of the important issues that are pursued between Iran and Afghanistan. He also mentioned issues such as security, fight against terrorism, economic and trade cooperation, fight against drugs, border security and protection of Farsi language as other important issues that he is working on with the Islamic Emirate.

Regarding the number of Afghan immigrants in Iran, Kazemi Qomi has said that before the change of government in Afghanistan, about 4 million Afghan nationals lived in Iran, but according to him, what is certain and known is that there are currently about 6 million Afghans living in Iran.

Regarding the media atmosphere and the presentation of figures above 8 to 10 million Afghan immigrants in Iran, he added: Yes, I also heard that figures between 8 and 10 million people were said, but for us, 6 million people can be counted.

The Iranian ambassador in Kabul has added that this issue has nothing to do with the entry of illegal immigrants and that Iran is not aware of the incidents it may face at the border, including human trafficking, drug trafficking, Oil smuggling and other issues are on the agenda of this country.

He added: This issue is not only because of preventing the entry of illegal immigrants and dealing with human and drug trafficking, etc. Due to the fact that the enemies of the Islamic nation seek to attack us in various ways, including by mobilizing terrorist proxy forces, we are not necessarily facing the drawn borders of the two countries, but we are facing various terrorist categories on the border, which are supported by the great powers that today soft and hard at the same time are used to hit us, it is done; Therefore, we must take the security and control of our borders more seriously.

The special representative of Iran in Afghanistan has also said that this country is looking for the economicization of the borders and is pursuing several projects in this field.

Story Code: 286656

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