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Iraqi Resistance not done yet with US over deadly airstrikes: Nujaba

26 Feb 2024 - 14:14

The secretary general of Iraqi resistance group Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba has roundly denounced the United States over its strikes against the positions of anti-terror groups in the country while emphasizing that the Iraqi forces are yet to take full revenge for the US acts of aggression.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Akram al-Kaabi stated on Sunday that a pause in attacks by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) – an umbrella group of anti-terror groups – on US positions does not mean that the IRI will not take revenge for recent US air that killed a number of resistance fighters in Iraq and Syria.
“The current calm is a provisional tactic for a repositioning and re-deployment, and is in fact the calm before the storm ... We will not be satisfied with a small revenge, even with an equal revenge, and the occupier will regret every drop of pure blood that was shed on the holy land of Iraq,” he added.
Kaabi further underscored that Iraqi resistance groups will continue their operations with the intention of driving US-led foreign forces out of the Arab country and to target Israeli interests across the West Asia region.
They will never renege on their commitments to the Palestinian cause and will continue to staunchly support the Palestinians, he pointed out.
The cleric noted that the IRI has made enormous sacrifices ever since the Israeli onslaught on Gaza began on October 7 last year.
“Coordination is excellent between fronts of the Axis (of Resistance). Calm on one front and surge (in fighting) on another front is a deliberate, purposeful and coordinated strategy,” Kaabi said.
The comments come after Abu Baqer al-Saadi, the commander in charge of Kata’ib Hezbollah’s operations in Syria, was assassinated on February 7 after a US drone strike hit a moving vehicle east of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Two other Kata’ib Hezbollah officials also lost their lives in the attack.
The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said at the time that it had killed the “commander responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on US forces in the region.”
The Iraqi government strongly condemned the targeted killing, saying that repeated US strikes in the country were a cause of instability and were pushing Baghdad to end the presence of US troops. 
Yahya Rasool, military spokesperson for Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani, has said the so-called US coalition “has become a factor for instability and threatens to entangle Iraq in the cycle of conflict.”
“This path pushes the Iraqi government more than ever before to end the coalition's mission which has become a factor of instability for Iraq,” he noted.
Earlier this month, at least 16 Iraqis were killed in US airstrikes that has been ordered by President Joe Biden following a deadly drone attack on a US military outpost on Jordan’s border with Syria.  
The US aggression has caused the Iraqi government to push Washington to discuss a timeline for the withdrawal of its troops from the Arab country.
The United States has 2,500 troops in Iraq with the alleged purpose of advising and assisting local forces to prevent a resurgence of Daesh terrorist group. However, they have repeatedly targeted anti-terror groups integrated into the official Iraqi armed forces.   
That comes as anti-US sentiments have grown across the region over Washington’s unconditional support for Israel’s atrocious onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza.
Israel launched the war on Gaza following a historic operation by resistance group Hamas which was carried out in retaliation for Israel’s intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people./Pars Today

Story Code: 286509

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