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Kremlin in response to Biden's profanity:

These statements are embarrassing for the United States itself

23 Feb 2024 - 13:20

In response to Biden's comments against Putin, the Kremlin advised him to hire better advisers. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said these statements are embarrassing for the United States itself.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Kremlin announced that Joe Biden insulted and insulted Russian President Vladimir Putin, actually insulting the United States and considered the President's comments as part of the failed "Hollywood cowboy" action.
Also, Dmitry Medvedev, the vice-chairman of the Russian National Security Council, said that contrary to what Biden said, the existential threat to the world comes from "useless old men like Biden himself", not the weather.
Medvedev, a former prime minister, said Biden is "old and ready to start a war with Russia."
The President of the United States called Putin "a crazy bastard" during a meeting with a number of financial supporters of the Democratic Party in San Francisco on Wednesday (2nd of Pisces). In this election rally, Joe Biden used the term S.O.B, which stands for son of a bitch in English, to mention Putin, which is considered an insulting and inappropriate insult.
According to the report of the CNN news channel, Biden has previously called Putin a butcher and a criminal.

Story Code: 286347

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