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China slams NATO over 'hyping' death of Russian opposition figure

21 Feb 2024 - 14:41

China has criticized US-led NATO countries for hyping up the death of the Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, asking them to "stop their tricks”, and interference in the internal matters of other countries.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Monday, NATO must cease its tactics of exaggerating tensions and meddling in the internal affairs of other nations in order to expand its sphere of influence, along with refraining from tarnishing China's reputation and fueling animosity and conflict.
“NATO should stop its tricks of hyping up tensions and interfering in other countries’ internal affairs to expand its sphere of influence and stop smearing China and stoking antagonism and confrontation,” Mao was quoted as saying.
“NATO should earnestly take concrete action for the peace and stability in Europe,” she added.
Unlike NATO, “China never interferes in other countries’ internal affairs,” while adding that China favors peace talks in Ukraine.
According to Russian media, the Kremlin critic died while serving a 19-year sentence in a Russian prison for “fraud” and “extremism.”
He lost consciousness after feeling unwell following a walk, the cause of which is still under investigation.
Immediately after his death, US-led NATO countries started targeting President Vladimir Putin, blaming him for the death of his political foe.
The Russia slammed the allegations, saying the prompt response from NATO leaders following Navalny's passing, prior to the investigations, in the shape of direct blame on Russia, is itself suspicious.
“The immediate reaction of NATO leaders to Navalny’s death in the form of direct accusations against Russia is self-exposing,” spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was quoted as saying.
“There is no forensic examination yet, but the West’s already made conclusions,” she said, adding that “carbon-copy accusations” that came within minutes after Navalny’s death show that they must have been “prepared in advance.”/Pars today

Story Code: 286257

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