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Why is the Islamic Emirate not participating in the Doha meeting?

18 Feb 2024 - 12:14

An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate says that participating in a meeting that does not have sufficient explanations about the agenda, discussion and composition is considered a futile action.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zakir Jalali, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate, wrote on his X page: The United Nations invited the Islamic Emirate to participate in the Doha meeting and emphasized that the presence of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate in this meeting is of special value.
According to Mr. Jalali, the invitation to the Islamic Emirate proved that no one can ignore the Islamic Emirate in matters related to Afghanistan.
According to Jalali, the Emirate had its opinion about the meeting and the participating delegation and raised questions about the quality of participation and dialogue with the representatives of the United Nations and other participants.
He has emphasized that participating in a meeting that does not have sufficient explanations about the agenda, discussion and composition is considered a futile action.
According to him, Afghanistan has changed a lot compared to two and a half years ago? Afghanistan's values, its sovereignty and its independence cannot be traded with any party.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has clarified to the United Nations that if they are going to participate as the only official representative of Afghanistan and if there is an opportunity for frank discussions between the Afghan delegation and the United Nations on all issues at a very high level, in this Participation form will be beneficial. Otherwise, the partnership is considered ineffective, useless.
Jalali has clarified that the Doha meeting is neither the first nor the last. The position of the Islamic Emirate is now clear to the UN and other stakeholders, so they will pay attention to it in the future.

Story Code: 286029

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