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Ministry of Economy:

Most of the focus is on job creation programs

14 Feb 2024 - 9:28

Officials in the Ministry of Economy say that currently the Ministry of Economy is focusing most on programs that provide work and employment for people.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdul Rahman Habib, the spokesman of the Ministry of Economy, told AVA reporter on Tuesday (Febuary 13) that the ministry is trying to provide work and employment for people through the coordination and coherence of some national programs.

Although Habib did not mention a specific program; But he said that with the implementation of these programs, economic stability will come in the country and also the level of poverty in the country will gradually decrease.

Based on Habib's statements; The Ministry of Economy with its central and provincial teams has also made good achievements in this regard.

In another part of his statement, he said that the Ministry of Economy, in addition to identifying economic priorities in the country, has regularly monitored development projects.

However, Lal Zazai, an expert in economic affairs, told AVA reporter that the Islamic Emirate has created jobs in the community by undertaking public benefit programs in the past two years.

He added that despite the imposition of sanctions by the US and the West, as well as the freezing of the country's foreign exchange reserves; But in the last two years, the entire country's budget has been financed from domestic sources, which represents a progress.

Zazai also stated that hundreds of development projects have been implemented in the center and provinces in the past two years, and their implementation has provided employment opportunities for the country's citizens.

Based on his statements; By implementing the large development projects that the Islamic Emirate is carrying out in the country, more employment opportunities will be provided for people and youth.

Mohammad Nabi, another economic expert, told AVA reporter that in the last two years, effective steps have been taken to reduce poverty in the country.

He added that although severe economic sanctions have been imposed on the Islamic Emirate; But effective efforts have been made to reduce poverty and improve the economic situation.

Story Code: 285833

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