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Kazemi Qomi at the ceremony celebrating the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Kabul: Afghanistan and Iran have aligned positions on many regional and global issues, including Palestine/ the economies of the two countries can complement each other

12 Feb 2024 - 9:42

The special representative of the presidency and Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan at the ceremony to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Kabul, stating that Iran and Afghanistan as two Muslim countries have suffered from the hegemonic and bellicose policies of America and the West. Many global and regional issues have aligned positions, he said that the alignment of these two neighbors regarding the tragedies that are taking place at the hands of the Zionists with the direct support of the White House, against the oppressed and powerful people of Palestine and Gaza, is only one example of coincidence and commonality. The positions of Iran and Afghanistan. Hassan Kazemi Qomi emphasized that Iran and Afghanistan each have the ability to meet many of each other's needs as two complementary economies due to their economic capacity and capabilities.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul yesterday (Sunday, Febuary 11) held a grand conference on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of this country under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA), with the presence of officials. Arshad of the Islamic Emirate honored religious, cultural, political, and media figures, representatives of foreign embassies residing in Kabul, and representatives of the United Nations. Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari, General Director of Tebian Cultural and Social Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and accompanying delegation were also present in this conference.
Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative of the presidency and ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan, said during his speech at this conference that forty-five years ago, following one of the most popular uprisings in the contemporary world, the Islamic Revolution of Iran on 22 Bahman/Del 1357 AH led by a great The man of history, Imam Khomeini (RA) won.
He considered the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran to be the beginning of great transformations in the political, economic, social and cultural fields in Iran and pointed out that the Islamic Revolution of Iran, despite the difficult conditions caused by the imposed war and cruel sanctions and dozens of other conspiracies, with God's grace It has continued its path with authority.
The ambassador of Iran in Kabul pointed out that the governments that came to power after the Islamic revolution in Iran have made a lot of efforts in the field of developing foreign relations with other countries, the most important of which has been strengthening bilateral interactions and helping to resolve regional crises. , added, in this regard, one of our concerns has been to help advance the peace process and establish stability in our neighboring and brotherly country, Afghanistan, at various times, and to continue the principled fight against extremism and terrorism.
He declared the development and expansion of relations with Iran's neighbors as one of the special priorities of the president and the foreign policy apparatus of this country and said that Afghanistan as a neighboring country with more than 900 kilometers of border and having many historical, cultural, religious and Religion with the Iranian people has a double priority and importance for Iran.
According to the words of the special representative of the Iranian presidency in Afghanistan affairs, according to the orders of the leader of the Islamic Revolution and according to its principled policy, Iran has in its agenda to help the people of Afghanistan and strengthen good neighborliness, communication and dialogue and cooperation with the ruling body of Afghanistan. had.
He added: "In this regard, my country welcomes more than 6 million Afghan immigrant guests, of which 750,000 Afghan students study in Iranian schools and 35,000 students in Iranian universities."
Kazemi Qomi attributed the current situation in Afghanistan to the destructive actions of the US and its allies during the years of occupation and said that the presence of the occupiers in Afghanistan strengthened terrorism and extremism in this country.
According to him, in order to strengthen stability in Afghanistan and the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran has proposed a plan for a regional contact group, the first meeting of which was recently held in Kabul with the presence of special representatives of countries and ambassadors of eight other countries. The purpose of establishing the contact group is to cooperate with the Islamic Emirate in order to ensure security, political stability and improve the economic situation in Afghanistan.
The ambassador of Iran in Kabul says that Iran and Afghanistan each have the ability to be two complementary economies due to their capacity and potential capabilities in various fields including industries, technology, transit, mines, agriculture, water and energy. 
Pointing out that Iran's Chabahar port is the safest and easiest route for Afghanistan to access open waters with the aim of facilitating trade with the world, he added that Iran's territory, as an east-west corridor, provides Afghanistan with different access to West Asia. 
Kazemi Qomi, stating that Iran and Afghanistan, as two Muslim countries that have suffered from the hegemonic and warlike policies of America and the West, have aligned positions on many global and regional issues, said that the alignment of these two neighbors in the face of the tragedies that At the hands of the Zionists with the direct support of the White House, it is going on against the oppressed and powerful people of Palestine and Gaza, it is only one example of the coincidence and common positions of Iran and Afghanistan.
He expressed his anger, disgust and mistrust towards the unilateralist, oppressive and hegemonic policies of America and some of its allies, the approach of looking to the East and adopting a policy of developing relations based on justice and respect with the economic and political powers of the East, emphasizing the necessity The unity and coherence of the Islamic world.
The special representative of the Iranian presidency for Afghanistan expressed hope that based on mutual respect and the high will of the high-ranking officials of the two countries to promote the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Afghanistan, the common positions of the two countries will continue and expand.
Meanwhile, Shir Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, the political deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate, in a speech at this ceremony, while congratulating the Islamic Emirate on the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the government and people of Iran, said that Afghanistan and Iran in the past two years have had extensive interaction and development and these relations should be strengthened in different dimensions based on a win-win approach.

Story Code: 285700

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