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Afghanistan's electricity debt to Tajikistan was completely settled

6 Feb 2024 - 10:43

Delir Juma, the Minister of Energy and Water of Tajikistan, while talking to reporters, announced the complete settlement of Afghanistan's electricity debt to this country by the Islamic Emirate and said that with the arrival of the new government in Afghanistan, although the debts were not paid at once, but now the electricity debt is Paid in full.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Iver Asianet news agency of Tajikistan has reported that the government of the Islamic Emirate has paid all the electricity debts to this country.
The report of this media quoted the Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan as saying that with the arrival of the new government in Afghanistan, although the debts were not paid at once, but now the electricity debt has been fully paid.
It is stated in this media that Delir Juma, the Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan informed in an interview with reporters that Afghanistan has fully settled its electricity debts to this country.
The Minister of Energy and Water of Tajikistan said that in 2023, Tajikistan exported 2.7 billion kilowatt hours of electricity worth 110.4 million dollars. Delir Juma said that this amount was 5 percent more than in 2022. Of course, he did not specify how much of the country's total electricity exports were related to Afghanistan.
Tajikistan currently exports electricity to Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Delir Juma says that most of these exports are in the spring and summer, when the country's hydropower facilities produce excess capacity.
According to the Minister of Energy and Water of Tajikistan, Afghanistan is receiving electricity in small quantities to keep the country's key infrastructure active.
The exact structure of Tajikistan's export electricity tariff to Afghanistan is not known.
While Tajikistan, like other countries of the world, has not recognized the Islamic Emirate's government, nevertheless, its economic interactions with Afghanistan are ongoing. The commercial turnover of the two countries in 2023 amounted to 98 million dollars.
In 2008, Tajikistan and Afghanistan signed an agreement to import electricity to Afghanistan, which is valid until 2028.
At the end of each year, the parties sign a renewal protocol that determines the cost and volume of electricity supply for the next year. The head of Tajikistan's state-owned electricity company, Mahmoudmar Aszuda, met in Turkey in December with his Afghan counterpart, Alhaji Mullah Mohammad Hanif Hamzah, the head of Da Afghanistan Breshna Company, or DABS, to sign a power purchase agreement for 2024.
The two used the meeting to discuss "the possibility of extending a new 500 [kV] transmission line from Tajikistan to Afghanistan," DABS said in a statement.
Kabul has shown great interest in continuing the implementation of CASA-1000, to link the hydropower-rich countries of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Story Code: 285462

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