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America's attacks on Iraq and Syria have caused the activation of the ISIS terrorist group

5 Feb 2024 - 10:20

An Iraqi security source told Al-Mayadeen network that the Iraqi army and Popular Mobilization forces clashed with ISIS terrorists in Anbar province in the west of the country on Saturday (April 3), a day after the US attacks on Iraq and Syria.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Reports indicate that the ISIS terrorist group took advantage of the aggressive attacks of the United States on Iraq and Syria and attacked the Iraqi forces in Anbar province, and it is possible that the United States is using He brought some of these terrorists for his own purposes.

Al-Najbai satellite network of Iraq reported that the aggressive bombings of the US against targets in Iraq and Syria have provided the ground for the ISIS terrorist group to launch attacks against the Iraqi army and the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces in the area known as "160 km" on the "Al-Sakar" highway near the city. 

The "Cridel" website wrote that the US has occupied the al-Tanf military base in Syria near the border with Iraq since 2015 and is using it to arm and train ISIS militants.

The website stated that the US intelligence agencies and its allies from the ISIS terrorist group attacked the Syrian and Iraqi armies in an attempt that began in 2011 to overthrow the government of Damascus, as well as an attempt in 2014 to overthrow the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. 

After ISIS captured large parts of Iraq and Syria, American forces entered the phase of action against this terrorist group, and later with the help of militias, America took control of most of the lands that ISIS once controlled in Syria. In Iraq, America cooperated with Iraqi forces to recapture the city of Mosul.

Charles Lister, a researcher of the developments in Syria, wrote in an article he published on January 24 in Foreign Policy, that ISIS is reviving and 10,000 ISIS militants are in at least 20 temporary prisons located in areas controlled by the US and the Kurds in northeastern Syria. have been detained and have created a so-called "army-in-waiting" for ISIS and its "next generation".

Kridel wrote: "These assessments raise the concern that the United States may use ISIS militants to confront the Islamic resistance forces of Iraq, consisting of Shia armed groups, in order to withdraw American forces from Syria and Iraq and end the genocide of the Zionist regime.

Story Code: 285407

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