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120th of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

Dozens of martyrs and wounded in the Zionist regime's invasion of Rafah/ US airstrikes on Iraq and Syria/ 25 more Zionist soldiers killed in Gaza

3 Feb 2024 - 13:41

Dozens of martyrs and wounded in the aggression of the Zionist regime in Rafah, US airstrikes on Iraq and Syria and the confession of the Zionist regime to the death of 25 more of its soldiers in Gaza are among the most important developments of the 120th day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Zionist regime's army continued its continuous aggression against the Gaza Strip, and also attacked areas in the south of Lebanon.

The aggression and war of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip and at the same time in various areas of the West Bank and South Lebanon has entered its 120th day.

On the other hand, news sources reported that America has attacked targets in Syria and Iraq.

American Defense Minister Lloyd Austin claimed: Our forces attacked 7 places in Syria and Iraq, which included 85 targets.

CENTCOM (US Central Command) claimed that more than 85 targets were attacked by American planes in these attacks.

Centcom claimed that 125 guided missiles were used in these attacks and various centers were targeted.

At the same time, the White House claimed that the US Army had informed the Iraqi government before the morning attacks.

Yahya Rasool, the spokesman of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, reacted to the morning aggression of the United States on the territory of this country and said: The city of Al-Qaim and the border areas of Iraq were targeted by the attacks of the United States of America fighters.

Syrian media announced that 12 places were targeted in al-Mayadeen, al-Bukamal and around the al-Qaim crossing in the US aggression in eastern Syria.

Taking advantage of America's early morning attacks inside Iraq, ISIS terrorists attacked the positions of the army and Hashd al-Shaabi in the west of Anbar.

The Islamic Resistance of Iraq has also announced that they targeted the Ain al-Assad base in Iraq and two American occupation bases in Syria.

The media affiliated with the government of Sana'a also announced this morning that the United States and the United Kingdom targeted the east of the city of Saada in the northwest of Yemen three times.

Complete martyrdom of the members of a family in the US attack on western Iraq
Al-Ahed Iraqi Network reported that an Iraqi family was martyred as a result of the US airstrike on the border areas of Syria and Iraq.

Tel Aviv's renewed request from Washington to send new shipments of weapons
The Kan network of the Zionist regime announced that in the shadow of the ongoing conflict between this regime and Lebanon's Hezbollah, the authorities of Tel Aviv requested the United States to send new weapons shipments to the occupied territories.

Martyrdom of Syrian citizens in the US attack on eastern Syria
The official Syrian news agency (SANA) reported, quoting the Ministry of Defense of the country, that a number of civilian and military citizens were martyred or injured as a result of the US airstrike in Deir Ezzor province.

The martyrdom of 3 civilians and the wounding of 14 others in the US attacks on western Iraq
Iraq's Al-Malouma news agency reported today, quoting a security source, that three people were martyred and 14 civilians were injured in the US attack on western Iraq.

According to this source, American military planes blindly targeted targets, and the residential area of "Hay al-Sakkak" located in Al-Qaim district was one of these areas.

15 martyrs in airstrikes in central and southern Gaza
Palestinian media reported the martyrdom of 15 Palestinian martyrs in the bombing of three houses in Deir al-Balah (center) and Rafah city (southern Gaza).

Iraqi Islamic Resistance: We targeted the Ain al-Assad base in Iraq and two American occupation bases in Syria
Islamic resistance of Iraq announced: We targeted the bases of the American occupation in al-Tanf and al-Khadra village in Syria with drones and missiles.

Also, we targeted the Ain al-Asad base, the headquarters of the American occupying forces located in the west of Iraq, with missiles.

Citing sources, Al Jazeera stressed: The IRGC or Quds Force has no base in the areas bombed by the US
Al-Jazeera network, citing sources, emphasized: The IRGC or Quds Force does not have any bases in the areas in Syria bombed by the US.

These sources told Al Jazeera that the American claim about the attack on the Quds Force in Syria is baseless and a deception of public opinion.

These sources added that the US attacks are a clear aggression against Syria and Iraq and affect regional stability.

Ansarullah's reaction to America's aggression against Iraq and Syria
Ali al-Kahhoum, a member of Ansarullah's political office, said: We strongly condemn the aggression of America on the territory of Iraq and Syria.

A Syrian security source: America targeted civilian areas
A Syrian security source: US attacks targeted civilian areas and resistance groups had evacuated their warehouses and centers in the region.

Coordination of ISIS and America / Attack of ISIS terrorists on the positions of the Iraqi army and Hashd Shaabi in the west of Anbar
Taking advantage of America's early morning attacks inside Iraq, ISIS terrorists attacked the positions of the army and Hashd al-Shaabi in the west of Anbar.

Clashes between the army and Hashd al-Shaabi continue with ISIS terrorists on a highway in Al-Skar region in the west of Anbar province.

Israeli warplanes bombed the city of Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip
News sources reported that the Zionist regime's fighters invaded the city of Deir al-Balah in the center of the Gaza Strip and bombarded people's homes, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of many other innocent citizens.

Dozens of martyrs and wounded in the aggression of the Zionist regime in Rafah
The Zionist regime's fighters bombed people's houses in the east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip this morning, killing and injuring dozens of people.

White House: We are not trying to go to war with Iran
The White House justified America's open aggression against Iraq and Syria: America's response started tonight and will never end tonight! We are not trying to go to war with Iran.

Iraq's official response to America's early morning aggression on this country's territory
Yahya Rasool, the spokesman of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, reacted to the morning aggression of the United States on the territory of this country and said: The city of Al-Qaim and the border areas of Iraq were targeted by the attacks of the United States of America fighters.

These attacks took place while Iraq is seriously trying to ensure the stability of the region.

He stated that the American aggression is a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty and it harms the efforts of the Iraqi government.

This speaker warned that US attacks are a threat that will lead Iraq and the region to a situation that has serious and unpleasant consequences.

Story Code: 285284

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