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The reaction of the Islamic Emirate to the recent report of the Security Council;

The existence of al-Qaeda centers in Afghanistan is a false accusation/ the Security Council should not allow its dignity and credibility to be questioned

1 Feb 2024 - 13:24

After the publication of a report by the United Nations Security Council, which claimed that there are centers of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Afghanistan and that its relations with the government of the Islamic Emirate are close, Zabihullah Mujahid, by publishing a statement, considered this claim to be a false accusation and asked the Security Council to is not to allow his reports to become a victim of the goals of political and economic profiteers and to question his dignity and credibility in Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, wrote in a statement today, Thursday April 1: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects this false accusation. "Unfortunately, a regular program of accusing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has started from the address of the United Nations, which they always propagate."
Mujahid considered the publication of this report as misuse of the address of the United Nations and added: "Unfortunately, the member countries of this organization allow such uses to continue."
The spokesman of the Islamic Emirate has noted: "We know that a number of member countries of the Security Council have faced defeat in Afghanistan, they naturally vent their grudge and spread such rumors, but those member countries that have good relations with Afghanistan, They should not allow the reputation of this great international organization to be damaged and its decisions to be based on the political goals of a few countries."

Zabihullah Mujahid emphasized that "there is no one related to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, nor does the Islamic Emirate allow anyone to use Afghan soil against any direction."
The spokesman of the Islamic Emirate wrote about the source of the publication of the Security Council's reports on the situation in Afghanistan: "Unfortunately, the Security Council's reports originate from sources who stood by the occupation for twenty years for their interests and are sensitive to the freedom, population and security of Afghanistan."
Mujahid asked the United Nations Security Council to "not allow his reports to become a victim of the goals of political and economic profiteers and to question his dignity and credibility in Afghanistan."
In the end, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate stated: "The main cause of the crisis in Afghanistan twenty years ago was the judgment based on such baseless information."
Yesterday, the United Nations Security Council published a report stating that the relationship between the Islamic Emirate and al-Qaeda is still close and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, under the support of the current government, has maintained its model and operational goals.
Since the return of the Islamic Emirate to power, this is the third UN Security Council report on the presence of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan. However, the government of the Islamic Emirate has always rejected these reports and emphasized that no danger threatens other countries from within the territory of Afghanistan.

Story Code: 285191

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