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Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps: We will not leave the threat of the American authorities unanswered

1 Feb 2024 - 9:38

Hossein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, said today Wednesday (11th of Aquarius) in a statement in response to the threat of some American officials that we will not leave any threat against Iran "unanswered".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Hossein Salami, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, said in a statement that we will not leave any threat against Iran "unanswered".

He added: "These days, we hear some threats from the words of the American officials, we tell them that you have tested us, and the common denominator between us and you is that we know each other and we do not leave any threat unanswered, we are not looking for war, but We are not afraid of war."

In recent days, tensions between Iran and the United States have risen after the killing and wounding of more than 40 American soldiers in Jordan, which was claimed by the Iraqi resistance group.

Some officials raised threats regarding the attack on Iran's interests, which was met with Tehran's reaction.

Iran's representation in the United Nations announced today that any attack on Iranian soil, interests or Iranian nationals outside the borders will be met with a "decisive response".
Meanwhile, "ABC News" news channel, in a report quoting an American official who did not want to be named, wrote that Washington is preparing for a "retaliatory" attack.

According to Euronews, this American official told the "ABC News" news channel that the response to the drone attack will be within "several days" and to "multiple" targets.

He further stated that these attacks will specifically target the facilities that made the invasion of America possible.

On Tuesday, the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah resistance group, which has attacked American forces in the region on several occasions, announced that it would suspend its attacks in order not to put pressure on the government of Mohammad Shia al-Sudani.

Story Code: 285175

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