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Israeli Forces Conduct Overnight Raids across Occupied West Bank

31 Jan 2024 - 15:51

A recent surge in Israeli military raids across the occupied West Bank has intensified hostilities, leading to clashes and arrests in various cities and refugee camps.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Nablus witnessed raids, including the Askar refugee camp, where confrontations erupted. Additionally, cities such as Qalqilya, Tulkarem, Jenin, Bethlehem, and refugee camps in occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds were subjected to similar actions.
Numerous detentions have been reported during these operations. Bethlehem saw at least three Palestinians arrested, including a woman apprehended to pressure her husband's surrender. Qalqilya and Jenin each reported three detentions, with a woman and her two sons among those arrested. The Qalandiya refugee camp in East Jerusalem al-Quds witnessed a significant number of detentions as well.
Amidst the operations, one person has been injured by live bullets, and incidents of settler violence near Ramallah resulted in the injury of a Palestinian man.
The city of Nablus and the Askar refugee camp were specifically targeted, with Israeli forces, accompanied by bulldozers, entering the city, sparking confrontations with Palestinian resistance groups, according to reports from Al Jazeera Arabic and local media.
The Wafa news agency highlighted clashes in other areas of the occupied West Bank, including Qalqilya, Anata, Dahiyat as-Salam neighborhood, Qalandiya camp near occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds, Jaba south of Jenin, Sinjil north of Ramallah, Ein Arik west of Ramallah, Beit Fajjar south of Bethlehem, and Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds.
Following heightened intensity and destructiveness of Israeli raids into the occupied West Bank since the Gaza war, overnight operations have surged, targeting various locations./Tasnim News

Story Code: 285150

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