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The Hamas movement is considering the proposal to participate in the Paris meeting

31 Jan 2024 - 11:24

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's political office, said that the movement was invited to the Paris meeting to end the Gaza war and free the prisoners, and they are currently investigating and providing an answer.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, said: The basis of our response to this proposal is to give priority to the cessation of brutal aggression and the complete withdrawal of the occupying forces from the Gaza Strip.

According to Al Jazeera's report, he stated the priorities of the Hamas movement and stated: Hamas is open to any idea that leads to ending the aggression against Gaza and creating shelter for the displaced.

Haniyeh added: Hamas welcomes the consideration of any serious and practical initiative or idea on the condition that it leads to an all-round cessation of aggression, ensuring the security of the displaced and the reconstruction process, lifting the siege and completing the serious process of exchanging prisoners.

The head of the political office of Hamas said that he has received an invitation to visit Cairo to discuss the framework agreement issued at the Paris meeting and the requirements for its implementation in a way that serves the interests of the Palestinian people.

According to ISNA, Haniyeh praised the role of Qatar and Egypt in reaching a sustainable ceasefire agreement in Gaza in the path of ending the aggression, as well as the position of South Africa in filing a complaint against Israel in the International Court of Justice.

He also condemned the position of America and some western countries towards the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) and suspending their financial aid instead of increasing it.

Haniyeh said: The world must put pressure on the occupiers to stop these killings and war crimes in Gaza and executions, arrests and daily attacks on cities and camps in the West Bank. These actions will not break our nation's determination to achieve freedom and independence.

In this regard, Mohammad Nezal, one of the leaders of the Hamas movement, said in an interview with Al Jazeera Mubasher: Paris hosted a meeting on Sunday to end the issue of war and prisoners, and the parties present in the French capital reached a common vision that within a few The hour will reach us to decide about it.

Stating that Hamas' position is flexible and open and wants to stop the aggression against the Palestinian nation, Nezal noted that the process of exchanging prisoners is an integral part of the negotiations.

The head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement also stated: We condemn the attacks on our brothers in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq and the continued threats against Iran.

Story Code: 285113

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