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Erdogan signed Sweden's NATO membership agreement

27 Jan 2024 - 10:25

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, contrary to his slogans a few months ago, which he used to express against Sweden's membership in NATO, finally signed the agreement of this Northern European country's membership in NATO.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to NTV, the relevant law has been published in the official newspaper of Turkey and is therefore in force.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed the resolution of the Parliament of this country on the evening of Thursday, January 25th to approve Sweden's application for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
On Wednesday, after 20 months of waiting and struggle, the Turkish parliament approved Sweden's request for membership in this major Western military alliance.
Olof Kristerson, the Prime Minister of Sweden, immediately welcomed this action and wrote on the Ax social network that one of the biggest obstacles to his country joining NATO was removed.
According to the law, all members of this treaty must approve the membership request of the requesting countries.
Sweden, together with Finland, submitted a request to join NATO in 2022 following Russia's military invasion of Ukraine.
From the beginning, Turkey strongly opposed the request of both countries due to what Ankara calls "Finland and Sweden's support for terrorism".

Story Code: 284850

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