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The Iraqi government is complaining to the Security Council following the air strikes and the US encroachment on the country's sovereignty!

24 Jan 2024 - 15:15

Following the US airstrikes using heavy bombs on bases of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) in Babil and Anbar provinces, the Iraqi government announced that these attacks are a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and disregard for the security agreement between Washington and Baghdad. complains to the UN Security Council.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Iraqi government announced in a statement: Attacking military bases is a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and a disregard for the security agreement between Washington and Baghdad. We will take all legal measures against the US attack, including filing a complaint with the Security Council.

It is stated in this statement: A committee headed by the National Security Advisor will be formed to collect documents and support Iraq's position at the international level in line with its complaint against Washington.

The Iraqi government strongly condemned the aggression and air attacks of the United States using heavy bombs on the provinces of Babil and Anbar, which resulted in casualties among the security forces of this country.

According to "Al-Furat News", in this statement, referring to the devastation caused by this bombing and the killing and wounding of a number of innocent people, including two Al-Hashd al-Shaabi fighters and the wounding of four others, it is stated: The Iraqi government considers this behavior to be a violation of Iraqi sovereignty. And it considers the security of the people of this country and considers it a violation of the implementation of the security agreement between the United States and Iraq, because it believes that such measures will severely affect the security of the region.

The Iraqi government, emphasizing that it will take all legal measures, including filing a complaint with the Security Council in this regard; He emphasized that the Prime Minister of Iraq decided to form a committee headed by Qasim al-Aarji, Iraq's national security advisor, to investigate this attack and gather information in order to support the government's position at the international level and provide accurate evidence and information.

This source added: The results of this investigation will be made known to the public opinion of Iraq and the international community so that they are aware of the facts and the falsehood of the claims of the parties behind these condemned actions.

This Wednesday morning, 4th of Aquarius, American Defense Minister Lloyd Austen announced by publishing a notice: under the supervision of the President, Joe Biden, three necessary and appropriate attacks were carried out on three bases in Iraq, targeting the facilities of Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq. gave
According to ISNA, earlier Qasim al-Araji wrote on the X channel: targeting the headquarters of Al-Hashd al-Shaabi is considered a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and will not help in establishing peace.

Al-Araji noted: Instead of targeting the headquarters of an Iraqi national institution, the US should put pressure on Gaza to stop its aggression.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi of Iraq also confirmed the US attack on its headquarters in a statement and announced the death of one of its fighters in these attacks and the wounding of two of his companions.

In response to the American support for the war crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza, the Islamic resistance of Iraq has repeatedly targeted the American bases in Iraq and Syria.

Story Code: 284797

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