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The trip of the anti-narcotics delegation to Herat province

23 Jan 2024 - 9:41

Local officials in Herat province say that the country's anti-narcotics research and study director has traveled to Herat province at the head of a delegation.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Herat: Maulavi Mohammad Waleed Halim, head of research and study of the country's anti-narcotics agency, said in a meeting with the deputy governor of Herat: "They are aiming to investigate the condition of drug addicts and the level of coordination of departments involved in the fight against drugs.

According to him, during this trip, this delegation is supposed to conduct interviews with more than 400 addicts, as well as provincial officials and local people, and share the results with the leadership of the Islamic Emirate.

Meanwhile, Maulavi Mohajer Farahi, acting official of Herat province, said: A working committee will be established between the departments involved in the fight against drugs.

He added: To solve the problems of addicts, they are trying to intervene through professionals so that they can treat them sooner.

It should be mentioned that after the decree of the leader of the Islamic Emirate to ban the cultivation and trafficking of drugs, it is said that about 90% of opium production has decreased in Afghanistan.

Story Code: 284720

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