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Al-Qassam: Within 100 days, we destroyed more than 1,000 Israeli military vehicles

16 Jan 2024 - 9:17

The spokesman of Kandak al-Qassam, the military branch of Hamas, announced in a video speech on Sunday evening that the Palestinian resistance, in addition to other heavy losses it has caused to the Zionist regime, has destroyed more than 1000 military vehicles of this regime within 100 days.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): "Abu Obeidah", the spokesman of Al-Qassam Battalions of the military wing of Hamas, gave a video speech after 100 days of the Zionist regime's war against the Gaza Strip.

He said: "Al-Aqsa storm" battle is a turning point in the history of our people and nation, a cry for the freedom of all nations and colonized nations.

Abu Obeidah said: The crimes of the enemy and his government have reached such an extent that they have demanded the crushing of our people and the destruction of their sanctuaries in the West Bank, Quds and Gaza. 

He added: We had no choice but to activate our power to respond to the massacres that sought to suppress our people, and the 7th of October saga was a price for this occupier who has been committing crimes for 100 years. The occupier committed massacres that devastated humanity and if there was justice on earth, he would have ordered the occupiers to disarm and prosecute their leaders.

Abu Obeidah said: We will inflict heavy damages on the enemy, which is much heavier than the damages on the 7th of October. We targeted 1,000 military vehicles of the Zionist regime in Gaza within 100 days, and despite the huge difference in the balance of military forces and enemy killings, our fighters were and are creative. Our Mujahideen maintained the cohesion of their ranks and increased their belief in defending their land against the savage enemy and created epics that are unique in this time.

He said that all the resistance equipment against the Zionist enemy was made by al-Qassam tanks, but if it were not for the Mujahideen and Palestinian fighters, this equipment would have no use against the American arsenal.

He added: What the enemy declares about delusional heroism is the subject of ridicule for the smallest Palestinian child.

Abu Obeidah said that not only the forced migration of the Palestinian people was not realized, but the blind destruction only brought shame to this regime and the mask fell from this invading terrorist regime.

He added: "Before October 7 and within the framework of the operation plan, we did not have any weapons depots or missile platforms."

Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman said: "The fate of some Israeli prisoners is unknown, and the rest have all entered an unknown tunnel and will most likely be killed, and the responsibility for this lies with the enemy leaders."

While appreciating the resistance of Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen, he emphasized that the day of victory is near and the jihad and blood of the Palestinian nation will not be wasted.

Story Code: 284279

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