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The representative of China in the United Nations called for a ceasefire in Gaza

14 Jan 2024 - 11:29

China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations warned about the consequences of the forced displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip during the Security Council meeting and emphasized an immediate ceasefire.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): "Zhang Jun", China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, stated during a meeting of the Security Council of this organization, that with the passing of nearly 100 days since the ongoing battle in the Gaza Strip, more than 23,000 people from The residents of this barricade along with more than 200 UN personnel and journalists have lost their lives and 90% of the population of Gaza has been displaced.

Emphasizing that any forced resettlement of Palestinians should be categorically rejected, he stated: "This means evicting two million people from Gaza and turning this area into a so-called safe zone free of human habitation." If this plan is implemented, such a terrible plan would be considered a crime against humanity according to international law and would lead to the complete destruction of the prospect of a two-state solution.

The envoy of the Chinese government called for all-out efforts to reduce the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip and stressed that the Zionist regime, as the occupying force, must fulfill its duties and guarantee the safety of aid workers and fully cooperate with humanitarian aid programs.

Zhang Jun stated that China supports the UN Security Council's actions as much as possible in order to remove obstacles to the safe, prompt, undisturbed and sufficient entry of humanitarian cargoes into the Gaza Strip. China's UN envoy called for efforts to support the establishment of an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

He pointed out that only a ceasefire can prevent more civilian casualties, more human tragedies and the engulfing of the West Asian region in misery. The Chinese official stressed that it is more worrying to see the war spreading than the prospects for an immediate ceasefire.

According to Tasnim, he added that the establishment of an immediate ceasefire has become a decisive request of the international community, however, a permanent member of the Security Council has many excuses to use his veto power in order to prevent a consensus on this issue in the Security Council. has used, this is a clear insult to fairness and international justice and the authority of the Security Council.

This Chinese official pointed out: "Some people constantly talk about protecting human rights and preventing genocide, while in the face of the astonishing situation in Gaza, they have confused themselves, continue to obstruct and try to divert attention. "It is essential that we put aside all interventions and take strong action to end the war, save people's lives and restore peace."

At the end of his remarks, he said that China is worried about the spread of the war from Gaza to the Red Sea, and the recent US and British military action against Yemen will undoubtedly worsen regional tensions.

Story Code: 284138

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