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Contracts for 4 major Mines Inked: MoMP

12 Jan 2024 - 0:22

Four mining contracts worth more than 10.1 billion Afs have been signed with several companies. The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) said.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Shahabuddin Delawar said that the coal mine in the Karukh district of Herat, the gold mine in the Dushi district in Baghlan, the iron mine in the Pashtun Zarghoon district of Herat, and the chromite mine of Koh-e-Safi district of Parwan have been handed over to different companies. 

Shahabuddin Delawar also said that based on the agreement between the ministry and the companies, mined materials will be processed inside the country, and in case of violation, the contracts with the companies will be terminated.
“The total investment in these mines, which I mentioned, is 10 billion 150 million 910 thousand 825 Afghanis,” he said.
The acting minister added that over $100 million has been invested in the building of the factory of fuel refinement in the Amu Darya basin in the province of Sar-e-Pul.
According to Delawar, based on the order of the leader of the Islamic Emirate, 450 out of 1700 emerald mines in Panjshir have been handed over to the residents of this province, and up to now $2,600,770 worth of emeralds have been extracted and over 10,000 Panjshir residents have been provided with employment opportunities. 
“In three or four months, $2,600,770 worth of emeralds have been sold and are good for people. And some people extract it and sell it in auctions,” Shahabuddin Delawar added.
At the same time, some officials of the companies who won the contracts, emphasized that they will obey the agreement and will provide regional people with employment opportunities. 
“We agreed and we are committed to provide complete service to the Islamic Emirate and to provide working opportunities for the nation,” said Wali Mohammad, the director of a company. 
Based on the information of the MoMP, the extraction of the chromite mine of Koh-e-Safi in Parwan Province has been contracted for 5 years, and the contract for the other three mines has been set for 30 years each.

Story Code: 284027

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