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Yemen to Keep Targeting Israeli-Linked, Israeli-Bound Vessels

11 Jan 2024 - 14:15

The Yemeni Armed Forces will keep targeting Israeli-linked and Israel-bound vessels in support of the people of Gaza, the spokesman for the country’s Ansarullah popular resistance movement said.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Mohammed Abdul Salam made the remark in a statement on Wednesday, vowing that any party opposing the Yemeni Armed Forces’ anti-Israeli naval operations in support of the Gaza Strip “will face a response.”
During recent months, the Armed Forces have been staging missile and drone attacks against vessels linked to the Israeli regime or those heading to Israeli ports in support of Palestinians in Gaza, who have come under a genocidal Israeli war.
At least 23,357 Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been killed, and 59,410 others injured during the Israeli aggression, which the regime launched following an operation staged by the coastal sliver's resistance movements.
The regime has also cut off the flow of basic supplies such as water, electricity, medicines, and fuel, to one of the world's most densely-populated territories that houses over two million Palestinians.
Abdul Salam said, “We reiterate that the (Yemeni) Armed Forces will continue to target Israeli-linked ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted.”
He also addressed the United States' efforts aimed at accusing Yemen of endangering international maritime navigation.
Earlier, the US tried to have the United Nations Security Council ratify a resolution accusing Yemen of such endangering activities.
"International navigation in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea is safe, and Americans must stop misleading the world about dangers threatening international navigation in these seas," the Ansarullah official asserted.
"We urge all countries to be cautious of falling into America's trap aimed at militarizing the Red Sea in service of Israel and to encourage it to continue its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip."
In addition to throwing military and political support behind the war, the US has announced a naval coalition tasked with patrolling the Red Sea in response to Yemeni strikes./Tasnim news

Story Code: 283996

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