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Ansarullah: Security Council resolution is a political game

11 Jan 2024 - 10:32

Muhammad Abd al-Salam, the spokesman of Yemen's Ansarullah Movement, described the Security Council's resolution condemning the attacks on Zionist ships in the Red Sea as a "political game".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Yemen's Ansarullah movement described the Security Council's resolution on the security of the Red Sea as political, and said that it is the United States that violates international laws.

In response to Washington's accusations against the Yemeni army, Abdus Salam emphasized that it is the United States that violates international laws around the world.

The Yemeni Armed Forces also said in a statement: "We ask the Security Council to immediately release 2 million and 300 Palestinians from the American-Israeli blockade, which has turned into a deadly weapon and turned Gaza into the largest prison where mass punishments are applied." release".

According to the website of "Al-Masira" network, the political office of Yemen's Ansarullah movement also stated in response to the approval of this resolution: "America has adopted a policy of lying and deception regarding its military movements in the Red Sea."

Earlier, the United Nations Security Council approved the draft resolution proposed by the United States to condemn the operations of the Yemeni army against the Zionist ships in the Red Sea.
Earlier, the spokesman of Yemen's Ansarullah said that the operations of the Yemeni army against Israeli ships will continue despite the threats of the American authorities, and emphasized that if anyone obstructs the operations of the Yemeni army, they will face the response of the Yemenis.

Story Code: 283969

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