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Iran's Foreign Ministry:

Opening new cases without organizing past issues will not lead to solving Afghanistan's problem/Afghanistan cannot bear to accept new failure

10 Jan 2024 - 14:06

Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a statement today regarding the new UN resolution on Afghanistan, stated that opening new cases without organizing the deep-rooted issues of the past, such as immigration, refugees, drugs and terrorism, will not lead to solving the "Afghanistan issue". suggested that before new and gendered attitudes, one should try to get reassuring results in solving the current cases of Afghanistan. In the statement, it is emphasized that the current Afghanistan cannot bear to accept a new failure.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement today (Wednesday), January 10, regarding the situation in Afghanistan.
It is stated in this statement: The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the first signatories of the United Nations Charter, while supporting constructive initiatives that can ensure peace, stability, security and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, believes that stability and security in Afghanistan and the region require it. That the United Nations should pay special attention to human issues, problems and conditions in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities.
This statement adds: It was based on this attitude that the Islamic Republic of Iran, like in the past long years, during the last two and a half years also tried to take a path that would make the noble people understand the difficult conditions of Afghanistan after the occupation and to reduce the sufferings of the people of this country in the transition phase. They can be resilient against the hardships and hardships of the foreign occupation.
In this statement, it is stated: continuing to host millions of refugees and asylum seekers, supporting trade and commerce, facilitating the movement of residents and nationals of Afghanistan, providing services in the field of health and treatment, helping victims of natural disasters and other examples, representing a constructive approach. And the humanitarian goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent years are towards Afghanistan. It should be kept in mind that this constructive and humane approach was adopted and implemented under the conditions that firstly: the noble nation of Iran was under the most severe and oppressive sanctions. Secondly; Some countries and international authorities, while ignoring the responsibilities of the occupying regime during the occupation of Afghanistan, in the way of taking the necessary steps in the post-occupation phase, to the internal requirements, historical links and social connections, the requirements of the neighborhood environment and the main issues such as immigration, terrorism, drugs Social rights of various strata and diverse tastes of Afghan people showed less attention.
The mentioned statement states: Now, considering the effort of the Secretary General of the United Nations to pay more attention to the "Afghanistan issue" as an important agenda that has gained momentum in recent months, and with appreciation for the constructive role of the United Nations Secretariat, the Islamic Republic of Iran He announces his considerations regarding the upcoming situation as follows:
a. The necessity of solving the "Afghanistan problem" and trying to speed up the country's participation in the global mechanism requires that before the construction of structural duality and the creation of new missions; By studying the previous experiences and providing a functional report on them, the scope of centralism in fulfilling international responsibilities should be strengthened in consultation with the environment of Afghanistan's neighbors.
b. The study of Afghanistan's developments since independence confirms that failure in the upcoming test will have devastating effects on international peace and security. For this reason, it is necessary for the world community and international organizations to pay attention to the fact that; "Current Afghanistan cannot bear to accept a new failure".
c. Afghanistan's gateway to the world community is its regional environment and neighborhood. Therefore, the proposal to establish the regional contact group of the Islamic Republic of Iran - contained in the statement of the Moscow format meeting of the Gazan Summit 2023 - is a principled step and a reasonable process to bring results to any new initiative. no doubt; Afghanistan's chosen path in the path of convergence with its neighbors will determine the arrangements that guarantee the success of new missions in the structure and organization of the international system.
d. Another important need is to pay attention to the realities and chronic problems that are plaguing Afghanistan and the international community today. Opening new cases without organizing the deep-rooted issues of the past, such as immigration, refugees, drugs and terrorism, will not lead to solving the "Afghanistan problem". Therefore, it is suggested that before new and sexist attitudes, try to get reassuring results in solving the current cases.
At the end of this statement, it is stated: The Islamic Republic of Iran also believes that, in this direction, help in the formation and success of a certain government of competent people belonging to various sections of the Afghan society in such a way that "clear principles", "responsible commitments" and "a desirable program" "For Afghanistan to overcome the problems of recent decades, the most constructive step for this country is in the direction of "interaction, convergence and constructive cooperation" with the countries of the region and the world.

Story Code: 283892

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