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Republican pressure on Biden to fire the Secretary of Defense

9 Jan 2024 - 9:46

After the publication of reports about Joe Biden and the White House not knowing about the hospitalization of the US Defense Secretary for 3 days, the Republican representatives of the Congress have demanded the dismissal of Lloyd Austin.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): After the US Defense Minister did not inform the President of the country about his hospitalization, it is reported that Joe Biden is under increasing pressure to fire his Defense Minister.

Jim Banks, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, described the reports as "very disturbing" and said that Lloyd Austin "has been a disaster from day one."

Banks said Lloyd Austin should be fired and replaced by someone who prepares the military to win wars, not advance the political goals of the Biden administration.

Many other Republican representatives in Congress have made similar criticisms and called for Lloyd Austin to be reprimanded or fired.

Story Code: 283789

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