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IRGC Commander: Daesh Is Agent of US, Israeli Regime

6 Jan 2024 - 14:32

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami vowed revenge for the perpetrators behind Wednesday's deadly terrorist attacks in Kerman, and said that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS or Daesh) terrorist group is an agent that works for the US and Zionist regime.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: General Salami made the remarks while speaking at a funeral ceremony held for Wednesday's terrorist attack in Kerman on Friday.
General Salami lauded the achievements made by the Resistance Front in the West Asia region, and said that almost all the US troops have evacuated the region and there is no safe place for them as it is impossible to dominate the Muslims.
"Today, the heroic Palestinians are standing firm against the Israelis. Today, this hated Zionist regime is on the verge of destruction and every day 20 Zionists are killed by the Palestinians," he added.
General Salami pointed out that Israelis no longer hope to live in the Occupied Territories, and said, "We will celebrate the victory of the Palestinians soon."
"Today, ISIL does not control an iota of land. They have disappeared and hid themselves in their nests (sleeper cells)," the IRGC commander said.
Salami further said that "the ISIL terrorists are only acting as agents for America and Israel".
The IRGC commander further addressed the ISIL terrorists telling them, fight like a man and do not target innocent children and women.
ISIL terrorists claimed responsibility or the Wednesday terrorist attacks in Iran's Kerman last night.
"These martyrdoms reflect the hard defeats inflicted on the body of Arrogance (Western powers led by the US). We have heard the order of the Leader of the Revolution and we will continue to fulfill it," General Salami concluded.
The Daesh terror outfit posted a statement on its affiliate Telegram channels, claiming responsibility for the twin bombings that martyred at least 84 people, including children and women, and wounded more than 280 others in the city of Kerman.
The terror attack took place near the burial site of Iran’s late anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in his home town during a ceremony marking his fourth martyrdom anniversary.
Iranian officials had described the incident as an act of terrorism, vowing those who ordered and carried out the twin terror attacks will definitely face a fitting punishment.
Iran has been the target of terrorist attacks in the past few decades and thousands of its citizens have been martyred by terrorist groups.
Iranian officials stress that the country is a victim of terrorism. They say Tehran has lost more people than any other country in the fight against terrorism, criticizing the Western countries for their double-standard policies on terrorism.
In mid-August, a religious site in Iran’s Southern city of Shiraz came under a second fatal raid by Daesh terrorists in less than a year, martyring two pilgrims and wounding eight others. The holy shrine was hit by a similar attack in late October 2022. Authorities confirmed that 15 pilgrims, including women and children, were martyred and dozens more injured.
In mid-June 2017, Iran’s Parliament and the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in the capital Tehran also came under terrorist attacks.
The attack on the parliament happened when at least four gunmen, disguised as women, entered the visitors’ hall of the building, opening fire on the security guards there. According to an Interior Ministry statement, the terrorists were all killed before they could make it to the administrative building of the parliament. Separately, gunmen attacked the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in Tehran, opening fire on people inside and wounding a number of them.
At least 17 people were killed in the attacks and nearly 50 were injured in the attacks, which were later claimed by the Daesh terrorist group./Fars news

Story Code: 283589

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