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The President of Iran at the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of Kerman;

Iran will determine the time and place to take revenge on the enemy/ the end of Al-Aqsa storm will be the end of the Zionist regime!

6 Jan 2024 - 9:30

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a speech at the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of the terrorist attacks in Kerman, emphasized that the enemies know very well that Iran is a powerful Iranian today, and stated: Today, the initiative is in the hands of our powerful forces, time and place. Our forces will decide to take revenge on the enemy, and the end of Al-Aqsa storm will also be the end of the Zionist regime. The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps also emphasized that all martyrs will be avenged and there is no safe place for America.

Afghan Voice Agency (Ava) - Tehran: Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, on Friday, January 5, during his trip to the city of Kerman and participating in the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of the terrorist crime of this city, saying that General Qassem Soleimani not only It is a matter of pride for the Kermanis, but also for Iran and the Islamic Ummah, he raised the question, what is the reason for the enemies' hatred towards Haj Qassem Soleimani, and why do the enemies have so much hatred towards his name, path and even pilgrims?
He replied: The enemy wanted to start another crime in the region after the establishment of the usurping and fake Israeli regime and 75 years of oppression of the Palestinian people. After they created the usurping Israeli regime in the region by abusing the Jewish name, they sought to use the hand-grown flow of ISIS under the title of Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and Syria in the name of Islam, but Haj Qasim did a great job and the program destroyed the enemy.
The President of Iran stated: Haj Qassem first started the movement of resistance in the region, in such a way that the Zionist regime became narrow and they felt that they were surrounded by powerful and determined forces and they could no longer continue their crimes and were forced to stop. There were crimes and withdrawal. As a result of this process, the world heard for the first time in the news that Israel had withdrawn from southern Lebanon, and after that the news of the regime's defeat and retreats in various battles was heard repeatedly.
Pointing out that today we are on the 100th day of the resistance of the resistant, oppressed and powerful Palestinians in Gaza, he said: "If any analyst wants to analyze correctly, he must see that the Zionist regime is armed to the teeth with the support of Western powers after 100 days against The resistance force, which has neither an air force nor a naval force, and only a limited ground force, and of course a strong faith force, is desperate.
Ayatollah Raesi emphasized that if we want to calculate today, Palestine is victorious and the Zionist regime is defeated, he noted: The leaders of the resistance called Qassem Soleimani the martyr of al-Quds, because what we see today of his resistance and victories is the result of his efforts and support. Haj Qasim is; The efforts of all Palestinians and Lebanese, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah are commendable, but Haj Qasim's role in supporting the resistance has also been irreplaceable.

He added: Haj Qasim tried with all his might and using the capacity of the regional forces day and night to prevent the evil and man-made movement of the Americans, ISIS, from entering Iraq, Syria and other parts of the region, so it must be said with confidence that the security of the region today Especially West Asia is indebted to the efforts of Martyr Soleimani.
Addressing the families of the martyrs of the terrorist crime in Kerman, the president of Iran stated that the school of Martyr Soleimani is the continuation of the school of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Khamenei and the continuation of the school of Ashura Hosseini. It will cause the ignorance of human society.
Emphasizing that the enemies know very well that Iran is a powerful Iranian today and that its nation is always present on the stage as the most important component of power in the world, he clarified: the enemy has seen the power of the Islamic Republic and has experienced it many times, and the whole world has also seen the power of the Islamic Republic. They have believed in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Ayatollah Raisi emphasized: Be sure that today the initiative is in the hands of our powerful forces, the time and place for revenge against the enemy will be determined by our forces, and the end of Al-Aqsa storm will also be the end of the Zionist regime.

Salami: There is no safe place for America
On the other hand, Sardar Hossein Salami, Commander Chief of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, emphasized in this ceremony: "All our martyrs will be avenged by Allah's grace." The revenge of these martyrs was taken from the enemy before their martyrdom.
Salami pointed out: We are facing an interconnected array of small and big devils in the battle of Islam and disbelief. These testimonies reflect the hard defeats of arrogance and its regional factors. Do not think that the Iranian nation has been closed. God opened our hands to our enemies in the past years. We have been in a real face-to-face battle with America and we have defeated them. They brought 135 thousand military forces in Iraq but failed. Our legendary hero and his allies defeated America in Iraq and Iraq was saved from American rule. They wanted to dominate Afghanistan, but they fled from there. They wanted to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon, but today you see the power of Hezbollah. They wanted to destroy the Syrian regime, but Syria remained. They failed in sanctioning Iran. They left the Persian Gulf. They have almost evacuated the area.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces emphasized: There is no safe place for America. Al-Aqsa storm showed the defeat of this regime.
He added: ISIS is a product of American policy that wanted a new political plan and Islamic caliphate in the Islamic world but again, with the struggle of revolutionary youth from the Islamic world under the command of Martyr Soleimani, the volcano of blasphemy was extinguished and they have disappeared and are lost and have no place in the political map of the region. They can only act as mercenaries of America and Zionism, but we warn them that if you are a man, fight with us, why do you kill women and children? Where is the permission to kill Muslim women and children issued in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet?
Meanwhile, the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of the terrorist attacks in Kerman was held on Friday January 5, with the enthusiastic presence of the people of Iran, a group of government officials of this country, especially the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as the families of these martyrs. became. Among the 84 martyrs of two suicide attacks on Wednesday (January 3) in Kerman, there are also 12 Afghan martyrs, whose bodies were also buried.
The worshipers of Tehran and other cities of Iran also condemned the terrorist crime in Kerman today after performing the Friday prayer by participating in the demonstration.

Story Code: 283555

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