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The eighty-ninth day of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

Exchange of fire between Hezbollah and the Zionist regime/Reactions to the assassination of "Saleh al-Aravi" in Beirut/Heavy air attacks by the Zionist regime on Khan Yunis

3 Jan 2024 - 14:35

The exchange of fire between Hezbollah and the Zionist regime, the reactions to the assassination of Saleh al-Aravi, the deputy head of Hamas's political office in Beirut, and the intense airstrikes of the Zionist regime on Khan Yunis are among the most important developments in the morning of the eighty-ninth day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Last night during the terrorist attack of the Zionist regime in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy head of the political office of Hamas, was martyred.

He was a member of the Hamas negotiating team during the prisoner exchange agreement in 2011, known as the "Loyalty to the Free" agreement, whereby 1027 Palestinian prisoners were released in front of the Israeli military captive Gilad Shalit as a result of Hamas' persistence and perseverance.

Martyr Saleh al-Arouri was elected as the vice-chairman of the political office of Hamas in October 2017.

Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamash's political office, said in response to this assassination: The assassination operation of martyr Saleh al-Arouri proved the brutality of the occupying regime against the Palestinian people everywhere.

Ziad al-Nakhleh, the secretary general of the Islamic Jihad Movement, also responded to Al-Aaruri's assassination and said: Saleh Al-Aaruri is one of the outstanding and loyal leaders of the Palestinian people who we lost. He was a leader who instilled trust and confidence among those around him and those They expanded and deepened the business.

Hamas and Jihad suspended negotiations with the terrorist regime
Following the assassination of Martyr Saleh al-Aroori by the Tel Aviv regime, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have sent a message to Egypt through the prisoner exchange negotiations that they will no longer negotiate with this regime.

Amir Abdollahian: The evil activity of the terror machine of the terrorist regime is a serious warning for the security of the countries in the region
Iran's Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian wrote in a tweet on the X social network: "I offer my condolences to Mr. Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of Hamas, the members of this liberation movement and the heroic nation of Palestine, for the martyrdom of Mr. Sheikh Saleh Al-Aroori and a number of his companions.

He added: Such cowardly terrorist operations prove that the Zionist regime has not achieved any of its goals after weeks of war crimes, genocide and destruction in Gaza and the West Bank despite the direct support of the United States.

Amir Abdollahian emphasized: The evil activity of the terror machine of this terrorist regime in other countries is a real threat to peace and security and a serious alarm for the security of the countries in the region.

Mohammad Ali al-Houthi's reaction to the assassination of Martyr Saleh al-Arouri
Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, condemned the crime of the Zionist regime in the assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement.

The reaction of Iraqis to the assassination of Martyr al-Arouri
Al-Nujba movement and Hezb-e-Islami of Iraq strongly condemned the assassination of Shahid al-Aroori, the deputy head of the political office of Hamas.

Najaba announced that he will always be with the oppressed Palestinian nation and will defend its cause.

The Fatah movement also condoled the martyrdom of al-Arouri
The Fatah Movement of Palestine, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, condoled the martyrdom of Saleh Abarouri at the hands of the Israeli regime in Beirut.

Sister Al-Arouri: We are ashamed and nothing in front of the people of Gaza
Martyr al-Arouri's sister told Al Jazeera: Despite the martyrdom of my brother (Saleh) and the imprisonment of another brother in the prisons of the occupying regime, we feel ashamed in front of the people of Gaza and the families who are massacred in the Zionist bombings. We are nothing against these families.

Mother of Martyr Saleh Al-Arouri; Thank God he got his wish
Say that Saleh was martyred, may God have mercy on him, don't be upset and sad.

  Congratulate him on his martyrdom, he was like the people of Gaza, he used to say that all my friends were martyred, only I am left, he loved martyrdom very much.
Thank God he got what he wanted.

Heavy air attacks of the Israeli regime on Khan Yunis
In the past few hours, the Israeli fighter jets heavily bombarded the south and center of the Gaza Strip. Al-Maghazi camp in the center of the Gaza Strip was the target of intense air strikes by this regime.

News sources reported intense clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist regime in Khan Yunis and the north of the Gaza Strip.

Missile attack from Lebanon to the north of occupied Palestine
The media of the Zionist regime announced on Wednesday morning that a guided missile was fired at Al-Jalil located in the north of occupied Palestine.

Channel 12 of the Zionist regime confirmed that a number of occupation soldiers were killed in the Lebanese resistance's missile attack on the occupied Galilee.

However, this Hebrew media has not mentioned the number of dead.

In response to Hezbollah's attacks, the Zionist regime targeted some areas in southern Lebanon with artillery and mortar attacks.

Macron: Israel should refrain from escalating tensions with Lebanon
French President Emmanuel Macron asked Benny Gantz, a member of Netanyahu's war cabinet, to avoid escalating tensions "especially in Lebanon".

The Elysée statement said: "The French president stressed the need to avoid tense views, especially in Lebanon."

France does not support the forced migration of Gaza residents
Nicolas de Riviere, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, said that Paris will not support the forced migration of Palestinians living in Gaza by Israel.

"France is against the forced migration of people," Riviere told reporters. It is very clear that we will not support the forced migration of people."

The French diplomat's statement comes after some of Netanyahu's far-right cabinet ministers called for the "voluntary evacuation" of Gaza residents.

America's claim about firing two ballistic missiles from Yemen to the south of DarYai Red
The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) announced in a statement that last night at 21:30 Sanaa time, two anti-ship ballistic missiles were fired from areas under the control of the Yemeni army towards the south of the Red Sea.

Centcom said this was the 24th attack against commercial vessels in the southern Red Sea since November 19.

Story Code: 283421

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