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Hamas: Zionists steal the body parts of Gaza martyrs

27 Dec 2023 - 16:23

On Wednesday morning, the Hamas movement pointed to the theft of the body parts of the martyrs of the Gaza Strip by the Zionist forces, and said that this shows their brutality and moral decay.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: According to the report of Fars News Agency, the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement "Hamas" announced on Wednesday morning that the bodies of the martyrs of the Gaza Strip were stolen by the Zionist regime.
Hamas said in a statement that the Zionist regime, after injuring the bodies of 80 Palestinian martyrs, handed them over to the city of Rafah while they were being decomposed.
According to Al Jazeera's website, this movement explained: "The occupiers stole the body parts of the martyrs and committed a war crime that shows their brutality and moral decay."
In this statement, it is emphasized: "The enemy, by openly violating the sanctity and dignity of the Gaza martyrs, digs up graves and lays hands on their bodies."
Earlier, the Hamas movement said on Tuesday morning that the statements of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, to relocate the residents of the Gaza Strip, are absurd and insignificant. (More details)
The media of the Zionist regime reported on Monday evening that the prime minister of this regime said at the meeting of the Likud party that efforts are being made to find countries that will accept the residents of Gaza as refugees./Fars news

Story Code: 283007

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