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Another revelation about the Nord Stream explosions

25 Dec 2023 - 14:08

In another revelation about the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines, the veteran American journalist said that the American government, by organizing this explosion, sought to poison the German Chancellor.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: According to Fars International News Agency, "Seymour Hersh", an American investigative journalist who has so far made several revelations about the role of the US government in the September 2022 explosion in the Nord Stream gas transmission pipelines, announced that Washington's main goal in carrying out this explosion was to to warn the German Prime Minister Olaf Schultz's government not to back down from supporting Ukraine.
According to "Rasha Today" website, Seymour Hersh published a new revealing article on his personal blog and wrote that the first goal of US President Joe Biden in implementing the plan to attack the Nord Stream pipelines was to warn Germany more than Russia.
This American journalist continued, Washington decided to destroy our gas transmission pipelines between Russia and Germany due to the concern that Germany's stance on the war in Ukraine might be shaken.
The US ordered sabotage against these pipelines weeks before the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022, Seymour Hersh wrote in this article. This journalist stated that the American officials in charge of following up this operation thought that its purpose was to stop Moscow, and the final plan to attack these pipelines was prepared at the end of May, but "at the order of Biden, its implementation was canceled for the time being."
He continued in his article, instead of carrying out the explosion, the team of American agents was assigned to use bombs capable of exploding at a later time on these pipelines, and apparently the timing of the attack that occurred in September 2022 is more than a warning to Moscow. It was a warning to Berlin.
"Apparently, it was Biden's timing to warn German chancellor Olaf Schultz," Hersh wrote. Some people in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) believed that the President of the United States was worried about the reluctance of Schultz's supporters to support Ukraine and the possibility that his support for the American position would waver with the arrival of winter, because the German chancellor would probably conclude that providing Warming up his people and maintaining the prosperity of his country's industries is more important than supporting Ukraine against Russia.
Seymour Hersh pointed out: "The destruction of these pipelines ultimately played a big role in creating economic problems for Germany, so that this country, which once dominated the world markets with its industrial machinery and luxury cars, is now caught in a process that some call It has been called rapid deindustrialization.
Germany continues to struggle with the increasing popularity of right-wing parties such as the "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) party, and its economic problems have had an effect on this process.
According to Seymour Hersh, Westerners mostly ignore "the most controversial factor in Germany's recent difficult times", i.e. the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.
"Over the past 10 months since I published my first report on the Nord Stream sabotage, the German government and media, like their American counterparts, have either ignored this report or other alternative narratives about what happened," he noted. They presented how and why these pipelines were destroyed. "The idea that the president of the United States would deliberately destroy the vital energy source of a close ally is, as the famous psychologist Freud said, a taboo."
This famous American investigative journalist published his first revealing report on the attack on these pipelines on February 8, 2023 (19 Behman 1401) in a long article citing anonymous sources familiar with the planning of the operation.
This well-known American journalist revealed that American divers placed explosives under the Nord Stream pipelines under the orders of Joe Biden and are responsible for the explosion.
Seymour Hersh, who won the Pulitzer Prize, revealed that in June 2022, US Navy divers, with the support of Norway, planted explosives under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines under the cover of the Baltops exercise (an annual exercise conducted by NATO members). Kurds and Norwegians also detonated the bombs three months later.
US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby later denied this report, but Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that with the findings of the Seymour Hersh report, the explosion was used by Washington to strengthen its position as a supply competitor. The European gas producer "strongly agrees"./Fars news

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