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North Korea fired an unidentified projectile into the Sea of Japan

18 Dec 2023 - 15:05

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that an unidentified projectile was fired by North Korea's army.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: According to Fars International News Agency, South Korea's Ministry of Defense announced that North Korea fired another unidentified projectile towards the Sea of Japan a few hours after testing a short-range missile.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said it had detected the launch, but did not provide further details.
According to the statement of the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, North Korea launched a short-range missile from the vicinity of Pyongyang at 10:38 p.m. on Sunday, which exploded in the Sea of Japan after traveling a distance of 570 kilometers.
The launch came days after Seoul and Washington held the second meeting of the Nuclear Consultative Group and agreed to finalize guidelines for planning and operationalizing a joint nuclear strategy by the middle of next year.
In the joint statement of the nuclear advisory group of the United States and South Korea, it was emphasized that any nuclear attack by Pyongyang on South Korea will be met with a quick and decisive response.
"Physical combat and war on the Korean Peninsula is no longer a possibility and has become an event that will happen sooner or later," a North Korean military official said in a statement carried by the country's state news agency. "Seoul's reckless and unwise actions may lead to a severe military confrontation."
North Korea's missile test on Sunday took place at the same time as the presence of an American nuclear-class submarine in the port of Busan in the southeast of South Korea, amid speculations about the possibility of Pyongyang testing an intercontinental ballistic missile./Fars News

Story Code: 282417

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