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The 71st day of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

Heavy attacks by Zionist fighters on Rafah and Khan Yunis/again invasion of southern Lebanon by the occupiers/again use of phosphorous bombs by the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza

16 Dec 2023 - 12:43

The fierce attacks of the Zionist regime fighters on Rafah and Khan Yunis, the occupation's renewed encroachment on southern Lebanon, the demonstrations of the families of the Zionist prisoners in Tel Aviv, and the Irish Prime Minister's request for a ceasefire are among the developments related to the 71st day of the Al-Aqsa storm.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Zionist regime bombarded other areas of the Gaza Strip this morning.

In the first hour of the morning of the 71st day of the "Al-Aqsa Storm", the fighters of the Zionist regime heavily bombarded the east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

The occupation fighters also bombarded Al-Masri and Sarhan areas in Khan Yunis, located in the south of the Gaza Strip.

The center and northwestern areas of Khan Yunis were also targeted by the invaders' artillery attacks.

The fighters of the Zionist regime also bombarded the area around the village of Ulama al-Shaab in the south of Lebanon this Saturday morning.

On the other hand, following the announcement of the Israeli army's scandal in the killing of three Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip, the families of the Israeli prisoners demonstrated in front of the Ministry of War of the Zionist regime.

Hezbollah's missile attack on Barke Risha base in the north of occupied Palestine

The Islamic Resistance of Lebanon announced: Today, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the "Baraka Risha" base, where the Israeli soldiers had gathered, with guided missiles, as a result of which certain casualties were inflicted on the enemy.

Rocket launchers at the gathering place of Zionist soldiers in "Sofa"

Al-Quds trenches, the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, reported the rocket attacks on the gatherings of Zionist soldiers in the military position of Sofa, located in the east of Rafah.

14 martyrs and 9 wounded in the bombing of a house in northern Gaza

Shahab Palestinian news agency reported that 14 people were martyred and 9 others were injured during the bombardment of the Al-Najjar and Khizr families' houses in the old part of Gaza City, located in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Islamic Jihad: resistance inflicts heavy casualties on the enemy every day on the battlefield

One of the Islamic Jihad officials pointed out that the resistance has a privileged role in the battlefield against the Zionist enemy and emphasized that the positions of the Arab regimes from the past decades have never served the cause of Palestine and we always count on the Arab and Islamic nations, not these regimes.

Destruction of West Bank infrastructure in the attack of the Israeli army

The soldiers of the Israeli army raided the Balata region, located in the West Bank, early this Saturday, during which the Israeli army's excavator destroyed the roads and infrastructure of this area.

A famous American senator: We are witnessing a human disaster in the Gaza Strip with American bombs and money

Senator Bernie Sanders: What is happening in the Gaza Strip is a humanitarian disaster with bombs and American money.

The number of martyrs in Gaza has increased to 19,000 people

The Palestine Information Office announced the increase in the number of martyrs of the continuous aggression of the Zionist regime's army in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm operation on October 7 to 18,800 martyrs, of which 8,000 are children.

The number of Palestinians injured in these attacks has reached 51 thousand people.

The number of martyred journalists in the Gaza Strip has increased to 89 people

With the martyrdom of Samer Abu Daqeh, a Palestinian cameraman of Al Jazeera network, in the drone attack of the Zionist regime, the number of martyrs has reached 89 people since the beginning of the aggression of the occupiers in the Gaza Strip.

The Zionist regime's repeated use of phosphorus bombs against the people of Gaza

The Zionist regime's army once again widely used phosphorous bombs in the bombardment of Al-Shuja'iyeh, Al-Darj and Al-Tuffah neighborhoods in Gaza City.

The Zionist regime's fighters also bombarded Al-Brahma Rafah area in the south of the Gaza Strip.

The massive attack of the Zionist forces on the city of Nablus and the confrontation of the young fighters against them

A large group of the Zionist army attacked the western and eastern areas of Nablus in the West Bank this morning.

News sources reported the conflict between the resistance fighters in the West Bank and the aggressor soldiers in this city, which occurred at the same time as the intense airstrikes of the Zionists.

By sending more troops and weapons to Nablus, the Zionist army attacked a building in this city.

The resistance fighters in Nablus shelled the Zionist soldiers.

Continuation of requests from the world to stop the aggression of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip

Mauritanian representative at the UN meeting on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: We condemn the settlement building and escalation of Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

We call on the international community to agree to Israel's demands for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

We ask the international community to hold the Israeli military accountable for the war crimes they commit against the Palestinians.

Representative of Jamaica: We want an immediate end to the war in Gaza, a ceasefire is necessary so that the UN can respond to the needs of the Palestinians.

Representative of Venezuela: Civilians in Gaza are exposed to aimless bombing and brutal ground operations.

There is no safe place in the Gaza Strip, even the offices and headquarters of the United Nations are attacked.

It is not possible to ignore this humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip, it intervened to avoid people's lives.

Representative of Pakistan: There is no safe place in Gaza, and what the Palestinians are going through is unprecedented in modern history.

purposeless useWe condemn Israel's use of force against civilians and cutting off food and water in the Gaza Strip.

Story Code: 282286

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