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Al Jazeera: Yemen's Ansarullah seized a ship bound for Israel

15 Dec 2023 - 12:03

The Al Jazeera channel reported, quoting a Yemeni source, that the forces of Ansarullah seized a cargo ship bound for the occupied territories. This news has not yet been confirmed by Yemeni sources.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Al Jazeera channel, quoting a Yemeni source, reported that Ansarullah forces seized a cargo ship bound for the Zionist regime.
This source also claimed that the seized ship is heading towards the port of Yemen. Meanwhile, Yemen's official sources have not yet confirmed the truth of this claim.
An official in the US Ministry of Defense announced a few minutes ago that a missile was fired from the areas controlled by Ansarullah towards a ship in Bab al-Mandeb, but did not hit the target.
The Ministry of Defense of Yemen announced on the 19th of this month that "a proper interaction was carried out with a ship that did not pay attention to our warning." He was prevented from passing and we forced him to return."
On the 18th of this month, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces, emphasized that the country will not allow ships bound for occupied Palestine to pass through the waters of Yemen, unless they are carrying medicine and food for the people of Gaza.
Saree also said: Any ship bound for the Zionist regime will be a legitimate target for us. We warn all ships and companies not to have anything to do with Israeli ports.
Pointing out that the decision to prevent the passage of all ships to occupied Palestine will be implemented from this moment, he clarified: The decision to prevent foreign ships from entering this regime was taken after we did not allow Israeli ships to pass through the Red and Arabian Seas. 
In the end, Brigadier General Yahya Saree said: The Yemeni armed forces demand the continued movement of all ships, except for those that belong to Israel or transport goods to Israeli ports.
At the beginning of the recent war in Gaza, Yemen's Ansarullah warned Israel not to enter the phase of a ground attack on Gaza, and just three days after the ground attack began, Yemen targeted the port and city of Eilat in the southernmost point of occupied Palestine with several missiles and drones.
Threatening cargo ships to or from the occupied territories and taking control of the "Galaxy Leader" ship was the forerunner of an operation that is still ongoing and has caused the concern of the main supporter and ally of the Israeli regime.
It was last week that "Jake Sullivan", Joe Biden's national security adviser, announced that the United States is negotiating with other countries and is trying to persuade them to form an international naval force to ensure the safe passage of ships in the Red Sea.
According to Fars, an official of the US Ministry of Defense announced that the US is trying to get 40 countries to join this international navy. According to this American official, "the aforementioned navy will monitor an area of three million miles of international waters and includes the member states of the US Central Command (CENTCOM)."
Yemen has recently warned that the ships of any country that becomes a member of this possible coalition will be targeted. Yemeni officials emphasize that they have the leverage of painful pressure against countries that participate in the formation of an international coalition in the Red Sea.

Story Code: 282237

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