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United Nations meetings are effective when a representative from the Islamic Emirate is present

12 Dec 2023 - 15:16

Simultaneously with the meeting of the United Nations Security Council regarding Afghanistan, which was held without the presence of the representative of the caretaker government, the experts say that the meetings of the United Nations, regarding Afghanistan, will give results when the representative of the Islamic Emirate is present, because during In the past two years, several global and regional meetings have been held regarding Afghanistan, but no results have been obtained due to the fact that the representative of the Islamic Emirate was not invited.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: On (Monday, December 11) the meeting of the United Nations Security Council hosted by Switzerland regarding Afghanistan was held behind closed doors.

In this meeting, a number of women from Afghanistan were also invited and it was said that the issues and developments in Afghanistan and the independent assessment of Fereydon Senirlioglu, the UN special coordinator for Afghanistan, were discussed.

Heather Barr, the deputy human rights monitor of the United Nations, said about the holding of this meeting: "The members of the security advisors held a meeting behind closed doors based on the recommendations of the United Nations assessment of Afghanistan, in which a small number of women participate; But we are still concerned about the lack of transparency in this process. This is the third meeting behind closed doors, the first meeting was with the Special Coordinator, the second meeting was with the United Nations Security Council.

However, the Islamic Emirate says that Afghanistan should be seen as an opportunity and countries should not be against Afghanistan.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, told the media that there is no hope of opening diplomatic openings from these meetings.

In this regard, Mr. Mujahid added: "Destroying the situation, misrepresenting the situation in Afghanistan, which Alhamdulillah is improving, does not give the right result, and there is no hope that they will support and open diplomatic openings from these meetings."

Haider Majidi, an expert on international relations, said in a conversation with AVA that the United Nations meetings about Afghanistan bring results when a representative of the Islamic Emirate is present, because several global and regional meetings about Afghanistan have been held during the past two years.

He said that since the United Nations, as an independent institution, has not maintained its neutrality regarding Afghanistan, it is following the policy of Western countries, especially the United States.

This international relations expert pointed out that if the United Nations really seeks to improve the situation in Afghanistan, it should recognize the Islamic Emirate and invite the representative of the Afghan government to their meetings.

He emphasized that the international community and the United Nations should not delay and make excuses in recognizing the Islamic Emirate for the sake of the interests of some countries, because the delay will cause a humanitarian crisis and the expansion of the activities of terrorist groups in the region and even the world.

Mr. Majidi also added that the United Nations should not hesitate to recognize the Islamic Emirate in order to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

At the same time, Seyed Zakir Hosseini, a university professor, also said in a conversation with AVA: "In the current situation, it is necessary for the United Nations to hand over the seat of Afghanistan to the Islamic Emirate, so that the realities that exist in Afghanistan will be conveyed to the world in the meetings of this organization." .

According to his statements, the representatives of the United Organization in Afghanistan ignore the facts that exist, they do not report the positive works of the Islamic Emirate's Kurds in the official meetings of the United Organization.

He added that the leaders of the Islamic Emirate should take serious measures to reopen educational centers for girls, because banning your daughter from working and studying has been used as an excuse by the United Nations and the opponents of the Islamic Emirate, who, in every meeting, consider closing schools as a violation. They teach human rights

It is worth mentioning that more than two years have passed since the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, but so far no country has recognized the existing government in Afghanistan, for this reason, the United Nations does not invite the representative of the Islamic Emirate in its meetings.

But the Islamic Emirate has always said that their government is inclusive. The work and education of girls and women are related to internal issues that other countries should not interfere with.

Story Code: 282063

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