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Ministry of Industry and Trade:

Increasing the amount of production and export of regiment in the country; We have exported more than 70 million dollars

11 Dec 2023 - 15:02

Officials in the Ministry of Industry and Trade have informed about the increase in the production of hemp in the country, saying that in the last six months, Afghanistan has exported hemp worth more than 70 million dollars to a number of countries.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdulsalam Akhundzadeh Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, told AVA reporter on Monday (December 12) that the amount of production and export of hemp in the country shows a significant increase compared to previous years.

Javad added that during the last six months, Afghanistan has exported more than 70 million dollars worth of chicken and chicken eggs to India, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America.

Based on the statements of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; Last year, Afghan businessmen exported 100 million dollars worth of Hong to these countries.

He pointed out that the provinces of Faryab, Samangan, Baghlan, Jawzjan, Balkh and Kunduz are the biggest producers of hing in Afghanistan and India is the biggest buyer of this medicinal plant.

Heng plant has medicinally effective compounds and is used in the pharmaceutical industry for humans and animals due to its therapeutic effects.

Beliefs that the importance of the heng plant in the health of society and its role in generating employment and income for rural households in Afghanistan have made this plant a key product.

based on reports; Currently, a kilo of heng juice is sold in the markets for 200 dollars, and each sapling is sold up to 20 afghanis.

Story Code: 281996

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