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Hamas made the Israeli general cry 

9 Dec 2023 - 14:35

Gadi Eisenkot, a member of the Zionist regime's war cabinet and the former chief of the general staff of the Israeli army, cried at the memorial service of his son. His son was killed last night in an operation by Hamas forces.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: According to the report of Fars International News Agency, Hebrew media, including Israel TV Channel 12, today, Friday, December 8, broadcast the memorial service of Eisenkot's son live and covered moments of tears for the Tel Aviv war cabinet.
The Ezzeddin al-Qassam battalions announced today the details of their operations last night, Thursday, December 7, and said that the forces of these battalions bombed the mouth of a tunnel in the east of Tal al-Zaatar area in the north of the Gaza Strip.
Al-Qassam, explaining this operation, reported that as soon as the Israeli soldiers arrived near the tunnel and tried to open the mouth of this tunnel, they blew it up, as a result of which the son of Gadi Eisenkot, a member of the war cabinet and former chief of the general staff of the Zionist regime, and a number of Other Israeli soldiers were killed and several soldiers were wounded.
Yesterday, after the announcement of the death of two Tel Aviv army soldiers, Israeli media reported that one of these two people is the son of Gadi Eisenkot, the senior general of the Zionist regime and the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of this regime.
The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, while expressing his condolences to Eisenkot, said in a message addressed to him that "Sarah and I are deeply saddened by the death of your son; We also cry with you."/Fars News

Story Code: 281863

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