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Denmark banned the burning of the Quran; Violators are sentenced to two years in prison

9 Dec 2023 - 9:33

The Danish Parliament has passed a law that prohibits the burning of the Quran in this country. This law criminalizes "mishandling of texts of importance to members of a religious community."

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International survey: After the reaction of Islamic countries regarding the burning of copies of the Quran in some European countries, including Denmark, the parliament of this country passed a law according to which burning copies of the Quran in public places is an illegal act. will be

This law was approved by the representatives on Thursday, December 7, with 179 votes in favor and 77 votes against.

Euronews reported that according to this law, burning, tearing, and other types of desecration of holy books in public places is prohibited, and people who disobey this law will face fines and up to two years in prison.

It has also been said that burning, tearing or insulting religious texts in public places can lead to imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Story Code: 281834

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